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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Officer Candidate
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    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:49 am

    Bought the attached for the well known government surplus site, there was a few of these. I know BCB provides trial items, wonder if this is one. Very well made fleece with Goretex reinforced shoulders and elbows...for £20 it's a bargain.

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Image17

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Image18

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Image19

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Image20

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Image21

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Image22

    Location : U.K.
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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by austromunga Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:11 am

    Looks like a copy of the Austrian Alpine fleece to me!!!
    even down to the thumb holes, Velcro arm shields, Most Austrian army patches are shaped this way to fit!!
    £20 is a very good price tho!!!

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Imag1924BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Imag1925BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Imag1927
    Officer Candidate
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    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:57 am

    Very nice fleece, happy with it, just wonder why BCB have produced it?
    Lieutenant Colonel
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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by mylle Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:08 am

    Now thats what I call a cheeky copy. Laughing Laughing The German Bundeswehr also
    copied the Austrian fleecejacket cut,Miltec and MFH did it too for commercial pieces.
    James K
    Junior Sergeant
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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by James K Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:18 pm

    BCB don't produce anything, like the boot contractor Itturri, they source things from other manufacturers and supply them under a whole contract. It's called smart procurement but represents poor value for money as each company wants a profit and the MOD pays more.
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Tue Mar 01, 2016 1:29 pm

    Interesting that James as I got it from the MOD supplier, there was quite s few of them so only can presume they were procured for testing but binned?!
    James K
    Junior Sergeant
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    Location : Ringwood UK
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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by James K Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:24 pm

    I'm not sure Lee, some units can write a requirement and get kit, others can purchase kit as a Regimental purchase. I know this isn't the SF Fleece, that is a lovely thing, although it has patches on the shoulder and arms like this one.
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:15 pm

    If you can get a pic of the SF fleece, would love to see it! Smile
    James K
    Junior Sergeant
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    Location : Ringwood UK
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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by James K Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:28 pm

    Sorry but they are photo shy.  I was an ex military civil servant with the MOD History section now I work as a consultant historian. I spend less time where I used to work but there were always a lot of SF people around, 18 Sigs mostly but a number of others. None of them were keen on having their photos taken.  Although the museum at Blandford Camp is open to the public, has an SF display (lots of kit there and you will usually see SF people in the cafe.

    Their fleece is like a softshell-microfleece in Coyote tan with matching waterproof zips on the pockets, velcro patch on each arm and goretex on the shoulders and forearms.  Nice as it happens, part of the new Tantalus clothing system the seem to be some with a hood and others without. Other oddities of the Tantalus range is a blue thermal working suit for the SBS, combat trousers with spandex panels behind the knee with detachable knee pads and a matching UBACS shirt, some of the latter are MTP but others Multicam. There is also some type of AKU Boot thing
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:13 pm

    Thank you James really insightful read! Smile
    Junior Sergeant
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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

    Post by Bert353 Sun Feb 07, 2021 5:48 am

    @ James K:
    Hello, Lately I see this often, people who writes that the patches on the shoulders and forearms (at the underside of them) are Goretex.
    Ask yourself, what would be the purpose of them? waterproofness on the bottom of your forearm?
    On the shoulders? maybe, but forarm? NO for sure.
    I think that you must think more of the woollie pully, polycotton patches to reduce usure.

    But here, someone made that mistake, and others follow.
    If in doubt, try it out, no water should pass through that patch.

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    BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?  Empty Re: BCB Brown Fleece with Goretex - trial item?

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