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    BW panzer combination suit

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Age : 52
    Location : uk
    Registration date : 2013-04-21
    Number of posts : 344

    BW panzer combination suit  Empty BW panzer combination suit

    Post by thunderchild Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:00 pm

    Just to share this very early combi suit dated 1959 the hard beret dated 1963 ,inside the suit is a sewn in pistol holder and also the back of the suit has an access slit  to which you could pull out the wearer from the tank in a hurry due to the inbuilt reinforced webbing around the shoulder area ,the ear phones although bundeswehr issue are from a later time period ,the soft beret has no date stamp but i guess would be from the same time period as the hard beret ,i also show some later headgear showing the headset and throat mikes in better detail ,BW panzer combination suit  025_zpsh6upinjwBW panzer combination suit  028_zpsekm9ifwrBW panzer combination suit  029_zpsvozlnbrbBW panzer combination suit  030_zpskrq4fldmBW panzer combination suit  033_zpsrmxlg9qr         BW panzer combination suit  043_zpsohbkumml
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Age : 52
    Location : uk
    Registration date : 2013-04-21
    Number of posts : 344

    BW panzer combination suit  Empty Re: BW panzer combination suit

    Post by thunderchild Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:02 pm

    BW panzer combination suit  035_zpsb2qtbjlh

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