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    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission


    Name : Tadeáš
    Age : 29
    Location : Czech republic
    Registration date : 2017-06-08
    Number of posts : 5

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Empty Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission

    Post by Legie21 Thu Jun 08, 2017 6:27 pm


    Please I am really desperate. Anyone recognizing these bulletproof vests used by Czechoslovakian/Czech troops in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR? Only what I know is that it should be some Israeli vests... but that is all what i know. I think they were used in Gulf War too... Thank you very much!

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission 310
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    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
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    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Empty Re: Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission

    Post by CollectinSteve Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:36 pm

    I'm sorry that I can't help you with the vests, but I can thank you for the interesting picture Very Happy I've never seen a UN badge with a national flag on it before! I can not imagine how rare those badges are.


    Name : Tadeáš
    Age : 29
    Location : Czech republic
    Registration date : 2017-06-08
    Number of posts : 5

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Empty Re: Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission

    Post by Legie21 Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:12 am

    CollectinSteve wrote:I'm sorry that I can't help you with the vests, but I can thank you for the interesting picture Very Happy  I've never seen a UN badge with a national flag on it before!  I can not imagine how rare those badges are.


    No problém. Thanks. :-)

    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Empty Re: Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission

    Post by Thibir Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:54 am


    There are at least 2 different vests used by Czechoslovak guys on photos you posted. Both can be seen on photo of 3 guys in front of UN van.

    I think that in gulf war was another vest. Here is scan of some army magazine from that times. You can see that the Gulf war vest was Irisch Highmark Style HM/3.

    Viac toho neviem, snažil som sa ich zohnať aj ja :-)

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Atom_610

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Atom_710

    Name : Tadeáš
    Age : 29
    Location : Czech republic
    Registration date : 2017-06-08
    Number of posts : 5

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Empty Re: Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission

    Post by Legie21 Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:49 pm

    Thibir wrote:Ahoj,

    There are at least 2 different vests used by Czechoslovak guys on photos you posted. Both can be seen on photo of 3 guys in front of UN van.

    I think that in gulf war was another vest. Here is scan of some army magazine from that times. You can see that the Gulf war vest was Irisch Highmark Style HM/3.

    Viac toho neviem, snažil som sa ich zohnať aj ja :-)

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Atom_610

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Atom_710

    Díky mockrát! Slyšel jsem že jsou nesehnatelný. Já to nahradil dočasně britskou UN MK2. Ale I tak... Díky za info! Díky!

    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2014-09-26
    Number of posts : 282

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Empty Re: Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission

    Post by abefroman Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:36 pm

    The one with the opening down the front is made by an Israeli company. I have one at home and can post a picture if you like. It was used by Australia a great deal. The other one was used by other countries as well. I have pictures of other countries using it if you think that will help. My suspicion is that it is also Israeli though. Let me know.

    Name : Tadeáš
    Age : 29
    Location : Czech republic
    Registration date : 2017-06-08
    Number of posts : 5

    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission Empty Re: Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission

    Post by Legie21 Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:16 pm

    abefroman wrote:The one with the opening down the front is made by an Israeli company. I have one at home and can post a picture if you like. It was used by Australia a great deal. The other one was used by other countries as well. I have pictures of other countries using it if you think that will help. My suspicion is that it is also Israeli though. Let me know.

    Yes, you are right. I found that. It is a Israeli vest... don´t know name either... Could you post some pictures please? Thank you :-) !

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