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    Group of Communist Pins - Soviet, China and north Korean


    Location : Tennessee, USA
    Registration date : 2016-12-31
    Number of posts : 20

    Group of Communist Pins - Soviet, China and north Korean Empty Group of Communist Pins - Soviet, China and north Korean

    Post by bryang Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:40 pm

    I received these pins a couple years ago from a friend, though neither of us was certain what these are.

    These appear to be Communist pins, with writing in Cyrillic (Russia), Chinese and Hangul (Korean).  One also looks like Arabic as well, while a different pin appears to display Egypt's pyramids (it could also be mountains).

    I am sort of assuming that these may be commemorative, and/or cooperative in nature.  

    I'd appreciate input on these - are these rare or common? Can these be safely cleaned, or should I leave them as they are?

    Thanks -


    Group of Communist Pins - Soviet, China and north Korean 20170937

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    Group of Communist Pins - Soviet, China and north Korean 20170951

    Group of Communist Pins - Soviet, China and north Korean 20170953

    Location : Tennessee, USA
    Registration date : 2016-12-31
    Number of posts : 20

    Group of Communist Pins - Soviet, China and north Korean Empty Re: Group of Communist Pins - Soviet, China and north Korean

    Post by bryang Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:16 am


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