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2 posters

    polish backpack


    Name : JIM
    Age : 72
    Location : Australia
    Registration date : 2017-02-03
    Number of posts : 221

    polish backpack Empty polish backpack

    Post by Camo-collector1951 Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:02 pm

    picked this from a camping store online.New condition.polish backpack Dscn1343
    polish backpack Dscn1344
    polish backpack Dscn1345

    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    polish backpack Empty Re: polish backpack

    Post by Thibir Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:34 pm

    My favourite surplus shop wrote about it quite funny description:

    www.varusteleka.com wrote:The saddest, most terrible attempt to make military gear, ever. Even empty, this bag is horrible to carry, and the suffering just deepens when you pack something into it.

    You would think that since humans have been using some kind of rucksacks for as long as the species have been in existence, it would be impossible to design a bad rucksack as late as 1990's. Well, things that are impossible for regular humans are no deterrent to the Polish! Instead of stealing a proper design from Germany, they just had to come up with their own. Maybe someone took the "piracy is a crime"-campaigns too seriously?

    This is a floppy canvas ball with extremely uncomfortable carrying straps attached to wrong places. Whatever you pack into the bag, it will not stay put, and will find a way to painfully dig into your back. No matter how the pack is packed, the shoulder straps will constantly slip off. This might be a bonus, as the very sharp, blocky adjustment buckles will tear sore cuts on your chest and armpits whenever you manage to hold the straps on your shoulders.

    One would assume that the product really can't be THAT bad. Go ahead. Don't believe us. Buy one and try it out - never has carrying anything on your back been such an awful experience.

    Name : JIM
    Age : 72
    Location : Australia
    Registration date : 2017-02-03
    Number of posts : 221

    polish backpack Empty Re: polish backpack

    Post by Camo-collector1951 Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:40 am

    Yes Thibir, whoever wrote that is correct. I think it should have been longer with no shoulder straps but a carry handle or full length shoulder strap like the US duffel bags.

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    polish backpack Empty Re: polish backpack

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