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    Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : France
    Registration date : 2018-02-03
    Number of posts : 110

    Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's Empty Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's

    Post by Bert353 Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:45 pm

    I assume in this theatre of operations DCU M-65 were also issued?
    I have difficulty in finding foto's where soldiers were wearing them?
    can someone help me, please?

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    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
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    Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's Empty Re: Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's

    Post by Wolverine Sun Feb 23, 2020 1:34 am

    I have come across quite a few DCU M65s that have patches and name tapes, so they were used. Here is one example. Notice the theatre-made tapes:
    Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's Dla10011Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's Dla10010

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    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : France
    Registration date : 2018-02-03
    Number of posts : 110

    Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's Empty Re: Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's

    Post by Bert353 Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:19 am

    That's a nice one, and still from the old cut, Mk1 or whatever they call that?

    There was sometimes a modification where they deleted these "flaps" at the wrist, and at the same time they changed the pointy tab to narrow the sleeve around the wrist to a square one.

    Why they did that????

    when you see the M-65 in universal camo they are all like the modified, to my knowledge

    Location : Here and There
    Registration date : 2020-08-20
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    Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's Empty Re: Difficulty in finding DCU M-65 foto's

    Post by Antimedic Fri Aug 21, 2020 10:24 am

    I was issued 2 of these for my second trip to OIF. I fully patched them, stuck them in the bottom of my duffel bag, and never saw them again until a few years ago when I gave one to my middle son when he was in high school. I never wore either myself. I'm pretty sure that was commonplace, at least among combat formations. Instead of using a heavy coat, we'd layer up. For example, when outside the wire in winter '04-'05 I wore t-shirt and boxers, DCU, and Nomex flight suit when it got cold. I spent almost all of my waking hours outside the wire. When I was on a FOB (maybe to hit the PX for toothpaste or soap), I'd leave the Nomex in the HMMWV and pull on my field jacket liner under my DCU shirt.

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