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    Is Army going to re-dye old UCP uniforms with new pattern (OCP)?


    Name : Andy
    Location : Odessa
    Registration date : 2016-02-12
    Number of posts : 2692

    Is Army going to re-dye old UCP uniforms with new pattern (OCP)? Empty Is Army going to re-dye old UCP uniforms with new pattern (OCP)?

    Post by Haydamaka Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:40 pm

    Hello guys,

    Just found this interesting information of 25 Apr 2018 "Lawmakers Want Army to Re-Dye Old Camouflage Uniforms With New Pattern":

    "Lawmakers want the Army to finalize a plan to dye its pixelated Universal Camouflage Patterned uniforms and equipment to blend with the service's new Operational Camouflage Pattern.

    The House Armed Services Committee's subcommittee on readiness released its markup today for the proposed fiscal 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. The document expresses interest in technologies that would allow the Army to re-dye existing universal camouflage uniforms and equipment, with a particular focus on its never-popular, now-obsolete UCP camo.

    The Army selected the Operation Camouflage Pattern -- a blend of browns, greens and tans -- to replace the older UCP pattern in 2014 as a result of the service's exhaustive camouflage study.

    The Army is scheduled to transition over to the OCP uniform in October 2019, but the service still "possesses a substantial inventory of now obsolete UCP products," according to the document.

    Program Executive Office Soldier is currently looking at overdye technologies and processes that could save the Army money by converting stocks of UCP uniforms and equipment to better blend with the OCP, the document states.


    Is there any information from inside the US about the consequences of these ideas and efforts?

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