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    Venezuelan FANB Load Bearing Vest


    Name : Diego
    Location : San Francisco, United States
    Registration date : 2019-05-21
    Number of posts : 12

    Venezuelan FANB Load Bearing Vest Empty Venezuelan FANB Load Bearing Vest

    Post by bayhyphy Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:43 pm

    Acquired my Venezuelan Army vest from my good friend today. It is clearly a Blackhawk crossdraw vest copy, with a few minor improvements, most notably the height adjustable shoulder straps, which are adjusted via hook and loop and adjustment straps.
    My vest was shipped with the belt and quick detach pack, the latter of which the vest was shipped in.

    The most peculiar feature is the back pocket in the rear panel of the vest enclosed by a small velcro strip. I am unsure of its purpose, but a South American militaria friend guessed it’s for a hydration bladder, but it would mean the bladder would be pressed on the wearer’s body.Venezuelan FANB Load Bearing Vest 82745610
    Venezuelan FANB Load Bearing Vest 547dab10
    Venezuelan FANB Load Bearing Vest E311bb10

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