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    Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 818

    Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch Empty Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch

    Post by michelwijnand Wed Dec 30, 2020 1:11 pm

    This pouch just dropped through my door today, am I right in thinking this is Iraqi?
    That's what the overall color and the black painted hardware seem to tell me, unless whatever other country also has those details,
    possibly Pakistan or something.
    It has no markings but it looks like it could have had a white tag of sorts at some point.

    Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch Dsc03312
    Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch Dsc03313
    Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch Dsc03314
    Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch Dsc03317
    Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch Dsc03316
    Iraqi (?) P58 canteen pouch Dsc03315

      Current date/time is Sun Dec 08, 2024 1:02 pm