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    60’s DPM para smock , trials item

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Location : England
    Registration date : 2009-04-16
    Number of posts : 814

    60’s DPM para smock , trials item Empty 60’s DPM para smock , trials item

    Post by bravo_2_zero Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:28 am

    60’s DPM para smock , trials item 8f190e10
    60’s DPM para smock , trials item 2544d410
    60’s DPM para smock , trials item 5b12d510Trials item , the SCRED tags have been removed but a ghost of stitching holes remain. 

    This is early quality poplin cloth with very deep print , newey poppers and a SWIFT zipper.

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 11:15 am