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4 posters

    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear.


    Name : Kevin
    Location : Netherlands
    Registration date : 2019-08-11
    Number of posts : 59

    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. Empty Suspect British 58 pattern web gear.

    Post by milly66 Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:18 am

    Hi all,
    ID needed.
    As usual, its a post from a fiend that had a post sent to him. I normally hate those but this gear interested me.
    There are only the 3 pictures so please do not ask for more, i have already been down that road.
    Its basically a set of British 1958 pattern webbing but in a very different weave and apparently no markings/ink stamps at all. It is missing the water bottle cover and the Respirator bag.
    I instantly thought, bad copy, but looking more it may be a Foriegn Nationals version of the 1958 pattern web gear.
    I have no idea what those gaiters are?
    Any ideas please?Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. 23046911
    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. 23076211
    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. 23079711

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. Empty Re: Suspect British 58 pattern web gear.

    Post by Wolverine Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:28 pm

    It could be one of the versions manufactured in Asia or the Middle East for Iraq (or possibly some other nation). There are quite a few different versions that are known to be Iraqi, based on markings, provenance, etc. In this case I don't recognize the weave, and I have never seen a matching set of web anklets before. So this could also be a commercial copy.
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 827

    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. Empty Re: Suspect British 58 pattern web gear.

    Post by michelwijnand Mon Aug 09, 2021 7:01 am

    I've seen a few ebaysellers sell complete sets like this with the anklets, I think a French and/or German seller and then some others I forgot. Never really was able to narrow down what these could be but they sure don't look British

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. Empty Re: Suspect British 58 pattern web gear.

    Post by Wolverine Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:03 am

    It seems possible that they are Chinese or Indian copies for the commercial market. I can't imagine that any govt still procures this stuff.

    Name : Doc
    Location : Western Pennsylvania
    Registration date : 2021-10-21
    Number of posts : 41

    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. Empty Re: Suspect British 58 pattern web gear.

    Post by Doc_KeystoneDiv Fri Oct 22, 2021 5:36 pm

    I recently found an Iraqi P-58 canteen cover and it looks a bit different from this. I'm not quite sure what it is, but it's kinda cool.

    Last edited by Doc_KeystoneDiv on Fri Oct 22, 2021 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Asked where it was found, but found description in post and eliminated redundant question)

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    Suspect British 58 pattern web gear. Empty Re: Suspect British 58 pattern web gear.

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