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    Croatian Camo Used During the Homeland Wars

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 405

    Croatian Camo Used During the Homeland Wars Empty Croatian Camo Used During the Homeland Wars

    Post by Camonut314 Sun Feb 05, 2023 9:52 pm

    Wanted to post this to a prior thread, but couldn't find anything pertinent to this subject, so here is goes...

    Got these directly from my friend in Croatia, so there is little doubt to their origin. The vest was supposedly used during operation "Storm" in 1995, but it is in near-mint condition, and I have been unable to find anything even close to resembling it (though given the sheer number of unknown armor vests I have uncovered pictures of during the search for reference, this is hardly a disqualification). It also has absolutely no labels or markings, except for some light stamping and a couple of chalk marks on the inserts.

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    The shirt I thought at first was something possibly produced in Croatia for their Bosnian allies. And while this still might be the case, I did manage to find a picture of what I believe is this pattern worn by a member of the HVO during the initial part of independence (approx 1991).

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    Shirt is (possibly) button row, second from left

    Croatian Camo Used During the Homeland Wars Topnic10

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