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    PLCE Ops Vest


    Location : Ubique
    Registration date : 2024-06-10
    Number of posts : 4

    PLCE Ops Vest Empty PLCE Ops Vest

    Post by MilitaryMisfit Sun Jun 30, 2024 1:01 am

    PLCE Ops Vest 20240622_115700

    I have done a video on the British ops vest.

    The British PLCE Ops vest evolved out of the Universal Specialist Equipment (USE) vests popular with British Special Forces in the 90's. USE was set up by a member of 22 SAS and located in Hereford. They were privately (or Squadron) purchased by members of the SBS, SAS and Pathfinder Platoon.

    Officially designated "Waistcoat Mans (General Ops Mans)." These vests come in two versions/ colours, DPM and Desert DPM. While some difference's are subtle others are more obvious.

    These vests were quite popular with both conventional troops and UKSF. They were eventually phased out with the widespread adoption of Osprey body armor.

    Theres more pictures on my blog, https://anothergearblog.blogspot.com/

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