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    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's?

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 830

    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Empty Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's?

    Post by michelwijnand Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:36 am

    Just found another of these belts today, after finding just a lone belt years ago and posting it in the ID section, but this one still has it's suspenders and a bayonetfrog attached,
    also the seller apparently filled it up with already fired blank rounds, and someone sadly put US over 1 pouchflap.
    The suspenders are the same type as the version in camouflage, but of course then in green.

    Now I'm wondering what other fieldgear would have been attached to it, and what bayonet would have been in the frog, maybe the Toledo Bolo type bayonet?
    And I'm also not sure about who used it and when, as far as I've heard it could be marines from the 50's, any truth in that, or if this wrong entirely?

    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Dsc00932
    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Dsc00934
    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Dsc00933
    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Dsc00947

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    Location : USA
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    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Empty Re: Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's?

    Post by ripcord Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:50 pm

    Similar to this one on left..

    The US stencil has me puzzled, though.

                                                                Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? 20221214
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 830

    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Empty Re: Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's?

    Post by michelwijnand Tue Dec 10, 2024 3:28 pm

    Yes similar but that one is further developed.
    The US must have been put on there by either a reenacter or a seller thinking it looks more the part or becomes more sellable that way.
    The first I posted in the ID my gear section doesn't have it.

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    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

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    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Empty Re: Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's?

    Post by Camonut314 Fri Dec 13, 2024 10:38 pm

    From my understanding, yes, these were intended for use by Marines. However, I seem to have found numerous photos of them in use with what I believe to be the Regulares, the Spanish native Moroccan troops, as well as a few others. As is usual with Spanish gear, not much gear seems to be worn, despite what might be available...

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    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Escane11

    Marines, Post-Ifni (1958)

    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Img15410

    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Img13310" />

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    Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's? Empty Re: Garand type belt, suspenders and bayonet frog, marines? 50's?

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