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    US Experimental Black Coveralls/flight suit (originally posted by nkomo)


    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2009-02-12
    Number of posts : 247

    US Experimental Black Coveralls/flight suit (originally posted by nkomo) Empty US Experimental Black Coveralls/flight suit (originally posted by nkomo)

    Post by ADMIN Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:29 pm

    I picked up these experimental coveralls several years ago at a local surplus store. The owner said it came from a government auction (formerly known as the DRMO). He was very reluctant to let it go because it had an "experimental" tag on it. For some reason, he thought he'd get in trouble for selling it. After talking to him for awhile, he finally sold it to me for $15.
    I've been able to find very little information about these over the years. I've seen these a couple of times on Ebay. Each time the seller said they were used by F-117 pilots. I never truly bought that story. The patch configuration was not correct for USAF pilots. The patch configuartion always struck me to be more like stuff I had seen associated with 160th SOAR uniforms. I have been looking for photographic evidence of these coveralls being used by the US. One day, I was reading the book "The Night Stalkers" by Michael J. Durant and Stevn Hartov (EXCELLENT book I may add). I opened it to the picture section and saw three 160th SOAR pilots standing by a Blackhawk helicopter wearing black flight suits. If anyone has the book, the photo is on the fourth photo page, bottom photograph. The photograph was taken in 1987 during Operation Prime Chance.
    If you look at the tag on the inside of the coveralls, it is dated 1986. Operation Prime Chance was started in 1987. So, the dates match up pretty well. Does anyone else have any more information about these coveralls? Am I correct in my assumptions? Any help is appreciated!

    US Experimental Black Coveralls/flight suit (originally posted by nkomo) Archju10

    The tag.

    US Experimental Black Coveralls/flight suit (originally posted by nkomo) Archju12

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