The real reason I don't wear military stuff anymore.... It made me feel like a wannabe. Every time I go to a gun or militaria show, I'd see a bearded person with a bonnie hat over ponytail wearing DCU jacket with multiple random pins such as POW-MIA, US flags, and DUIs from many different divisions. Sometimes I'd see a guy wearing a jacket with non-sense placements of patches. According to many collectors I've talked to , those are classic poser outfits, also I personally noticed many of them are like that. Don't get me wrong, some of them may be actual a vet but many veterans I know are being humble and don't show off. It made me realize that I don't want to be like them, I want to respect military people. So I stopped wearing military stuff. Surely I like to wear camo shorts but those are civilian brands from Trans-nine or American Eagle that are no way resemble real stuff, however, I still don't wear them when I go to gun or military show because I don't want other people to think: "Oh no, not another jackass."
I don't do reenactment because it seems like many veterans find them to be obnoxious. I talked to one USMC veteran. He told me he got into argument with a re-enactor who thought he know everything when he got most of things wrong, at the end, he insulted veteran. I thought re-enactors are into it to honor veterans but some of them just wanted to play a "war" which bothered some veterans who have seen horrors. I did thought about joining a German reenactment group but decided not because I can't imagine myself dressing and pretending to be something I'm not. Don't get me wrong, reenactments seem to be cool and fun. I understand their purpose but it is not just for me.
This "rule" of mine doesn't apply to girls because they are sexy in uniforms and can easily get me aroused.
I apologize if I was being offensive but I just lay it out what I think.