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    Do you wear pieces of your collections?


    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:53 pm

    After a quite time of thinking.... I decided to give it a rant....

    The real reason I don't wear military stuff anymore.... It made me feel like a wannabe. Every time I go to a gun or militaria show, I'd see a bearded person with a bonnie hat over ponytail wearing DCU jacket with multiple random pins such as POW-MIA, US flags, and DUIs from many different divisions. Sometimes I'd see a guy wearing a jacket with non-sense placements of patches. According to many collectors I've talked to , those are classic poser outfits, also I personally noticed many of them are like that. Don't get me wrong, some of them may be actual a vet but many veterans I know are being humble and don't show off. It made me realize that I don't want to be like them, I want to respect military people. So I stopped wearing military stuff. Surely I like to wear camo shorts but those are civilian brands from Trans-nine or American Eagle that are no way resemble real stuff, however, I still don't wear them when I go to gun or military show because I don't want other people to think: "Oh no, not another jackass."

    I don't do reenactment because it seems like many veterans find them to be obnoxious. I talked to one USMC veteran. He told me he got into argument with a re-enactor who thought he know everything when he got most of things wrong, at the end, he insulted veteran. I thought re-enactors are into it to honor veterans but some of them just wanted to play a "war" which bothered some veterans who have seen horrors. I did thought about joining a German reenactment group but decided not because I can't imagine myself dressing and pretending to be something I'm not. Don't get me wrong, reenactments seem to be cool and fun. I understand their purpose but it is not just for me.

    This "rule" of mine doesn't apply to girls because they are sexy in uniforms and can easily get me aroused. lol!

    I apologize if I was being offensive but I just lay it out what I think.


    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Oifbanner


    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by Camo_fiend Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:39 am

    I only wear one or two pieces every now and then, as I said earlier, and they are completely unpatched (I got them that way...I could never dream of stripping patches, plus I know Jeremy & Arch would kill me) lol!
    In wearing patchless items, it avoids any appearance of posing. But as you said, I don't even think of wearing ANYTHING military-ish to gun & militaria shows for the exact same reasons you stated.

    There's a couple of posers at my college, mostly mid-to-late 30's dudes who wear military stuff with rank, patches, etc., and talk about their "days in service", but when asked about trivial, non-invasive details that nearly every veteran would usually talk about openly (MOS, unit affiliation, etc.) they become vague or start talking out their butt.

    Like the guy who said he was Army infantry, but when asked by a legit ex-Army infantryman what his specific MOS was (11B, 11C, etc.) he just kept saying "Oh just infantry." Guy tore him a new butthole.

    It's quite frustrating to see people lying about service they didn't commit to. Evil or Very Mad

    Sorry for derailing the thread. Laughing

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/
    Junior Sergeant
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by bolo Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:20 am

    sometimes I wear my Vietnam jungle boots, they are post VN dated so I dont mind wearing them since they not rare

    I also wear a VN M65 field jacket [no insignia]

    Name : danilo matz
    Age : 47
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by drmatz Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:00 pm

    This is what i wear on a regular basis, depending on the season and weather.

    French Guerrilla Smock
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1010110

    Canadian winter jacket
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1070510

    Norway M75 Jacket
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1080010

    Slovakia Desert
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1150510

    Danish desert pants
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1180810

    Finnish M05 desert
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1190510

    Danish M84 jacket
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1200810

    US T-Mout shirt
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1200910

    South West Africa KOEVET jacket
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1210810

    Transkei 1st pattern jacket
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1230210

    Irish Smock (great for new york weather in the winter)
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1230410

    South Africa 32btn jacket
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1230910

    Also a commercial ARTIKIS swedish jacket.

    Whenever they fit me and i like the pattern i'll wear it to work, to go out, everything i'm always wearing cammo




    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by Camo_fiend Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:03 pm

    I decided that for exams this week, I'm going to wear a jacket of a different pattern each day... just for fun.
    Last week, I wore my Swedish M90 jacket and my geology professor commented that even though she "couldn't see me", she knew I had been in class and had done all the work in preparation for the final exam. lol!

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

    Location : Alabama
    Registration date : 2010-06-24
    Number of posts : 13

    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by freddy Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:31 pm

    When I first receive an item I try it on to see how it fits. After that it goes in
    the closet as I don't want to add to the wear that it already has.
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by koalorka Wed May 18, 2011 10:50 pm

    I wear Finnish M62 in the winter and Portuguese short-sleeve lizard for the summer. Smile

    No patches or insignia of course.
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by sobota Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:32 pm

    Mercenary25 wrote:After a quite time of thinking.... I decided to give it a rant....

    The real reason I don't wear military stuff anymore.... It made me feel like a wannabe. Every time I go to a gun or militaria show, I'd see a bearded person with a bonnie hat over ponytail wearing DCU jacket with multiple random pins such as POW-MIA, US flags, and DUIs from many different divisions. Sometimes I'd see a guy wearing a jacket with non-sense placements of patches. According to many collectors I've talked to , those are classic poser outfits, also I personally noticed many of them are like that. Don't get me wrong, some of them may be actual a vet but many veterans I know are being humble and don't show off. It made me realize that I don't want to be like them, I want to respect military people. So I stopped wearing military stuff. Surely I like to wear camo shorts but those are civilian brands from Trans-nine or American Eagle that are no way resemble real stuff, however, I still don't wear them when I go to gun or military show because I don't want other people to think: "Oh no, not another jackass."

    I apologize if I was being offensive but I just lay it out what I think.


    I whole heartedly agree, admittedly i will wear my British DDPM shorts and sandals when the weather calls for it, but I too can't stand when I see young skateboarders etc wearing military issue clothing, here in England builders and work men are frequent offenders of wearing combat trousers to work and they just get all torn and look so ragged with the pockets open and tassles flailing about everywhere etcetera, apologies if im seen to rant, but I have the official privilege of wearing Her Majesty's uniform and I dont take it lightly. Rant over Smile

    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by Gulf91 Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:50 pm

    I certainly do,not the rare stuff of course.

    This hobby is expensive enough so my philosophy is that if i can get some use of the stuff as well then a double bonus and also i find most people have only favourable comments regarding the stuff.

    I would say there isnt a day when i dont wear some item of military issued kit.
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 33
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by APreston Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:59 pm

    I don't wear my stuff that often simply because I don't really have any cause to. I sometimes wear my Greek lizard pattern pants in lieu of jeans, that's about it. On the rare occasions I wear my full kit people assume I've come back from hunting or have gone out hunting, I've actually had my friends who hunt compliment my kit and ask where they can get some.

    Beyond that, some of my friends wear M81 jackets for the bit of cold weather we've had lately, mostly their fathers' old kit. When I get an Irish DPM jacket/smock it will probably end up serving a similar purpose.

    Age : 53
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by Gulf91 Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:03 pm

    Freezing cold weather has started here so depending on my mood i wear(amongst others)N3-B Parka,US M65 or M51 with liner,repro German WW2 reversible parka(either Splinter or Sumpf).

    All of the above look pretty dammn good with a pair of jeans and of course get used for their original purpose.


    Location : Portugal
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by Albano Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:26 pm


    I always try to get all my pieces for my size exactly to be able to wear them. Mostly trousers on weekends or casual time and complete gear on airsoft games like the examples below

    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Caim%2525C3%2525A3o3Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 31072005%252528008%252529Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 DSCN0656Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 DSCN0660
    Issued Flecktarn shirt, trousers and bulletproof vest.
    Commercial short brim boonie
    Mozambique short sleeve shirt and trousers.Portuguese unissued lizzard with issued
    cap, belt, suspenders, canteen, mag-pouches,
    small backpack and steel helmet as used in
    the 80's

    Best regards

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Multi-national event.

    Post by fourtycoats Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:31 pm

    Two members of the IACMC taking part in a re-enactment event. The vehicles are ACMATS, rarely seen outside of the French Foreign Legion, the MGs are GPMGs from the UK(de-activated) and the uniforms are from the Italian Army in IFOR, badged as Col Moschine.

    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 IMG_1312
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by sobota Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:37 pm

    Any particular reason for the British Bergen on the right?
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by fourtycoats Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:44 pm

    They are cheap and they dress up the vehicles well.If you saw the other vehicles, you would see many more of them! There are 2 more on the left side of this particular ACMAT

    Last edited by fourtycoats on Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by sobota Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:45 pm

    haha fair enough, i think ive just spotted another one on the left as well
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : Ireland
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Other people wearing their uniforms at the same event

    Post by fourtycoats Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:08 pm

    This was a very broad ranging event as you can see from some of the participants:
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 30052009142
    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 30052009144
    Duncan McLain
    Duncan McLain

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by Duncan McLain Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:25 pm

    Yes I wear.


    Because I'm a reenactor.

    And often I wear boots, trousers, smocks, GTX or rucksacks (daysack, patrolpack, bergan)depending on circumstances - british stuff are most comfortable and practical to used.

    Name : Marc
    Location : Europe
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by 59tankbat Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:45 am

    I try wear for fitting every piece i buy.
    I always wear a Us bdu desert storm (chocolatechip)shirt(no patches) to Rock/pop Concerts (easy to park yr beercan with al the pockets!) or camping outdoors events,and i use Dutch armyBoots. At home i wear Us bdu.dcu pants and shorts.
    And Desert storm style Booniehats at the beach!

    Age : 53
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by Gulf91 Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:06 pm

    I stupidly loose out on some gems as i insist on buying stuff in my size most of the time Mad

    Location : losangeles.com
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by kammo-man Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:47 pm

    I always wear Rare jackets out, why not you own them ,and its fun .

    Name : Steve Hoeger
    Age : 57
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by panzerwerk Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:54 pm

    I have a pair of CCU pants I wear a lot , and I will wear jackets in the winter , DDR flachentarn and Russian VSR winter coats , and I wear a lot of Vietnam patterned commercial jackets in Tiger and Early ERDL.
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Henry G
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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by lammasulyon Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:18 am

    as far as cams go, i wear a dpm windproof smock when it gets cold; and desert dpm shorts in summer/winter (not a fan of long pants); some assortment of dpm shirts when the aussie sun is too much even for the toughest of people...never wear them as a whole set, don't wanna look silly in a mall or among mates

    plenty of age old RAAF/RAN/ Australian Army work shorts in my wardrobe, if that counts

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by kammo-man Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:18 pm

    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 P1030510

    Here is me wearing a 47-51 French camouflage jacket down the pub.

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    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Empty Re: Do you wear pieces of your collections?

    Post by kammo-man Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:54 pm

    Do you wear pieces of your collections? - Page 2 Dsc03117

    It was cold enough to wear a mint condition German winter parka.
    Complete with the hard to find armband.
    This came from a rag mill for $12 .

    If you own stuff you might as well enjoy it .

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