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Sgt P.
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    Falklands War used DPM jacket


    Name : Steven
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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by bond007a1 Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:13 am

    I got this one several years ago directly from a veteran of the Falklands..

    Falklands War used DPM jacket Britis10

    Falklands War used DPM jacket Britis11


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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by Camo_fiend Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:33 pm

    Hey, I got one of those! It was the first DPM smock I got...great-looking bit of kit, and well made, too.

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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by Philip Sat Feb 06, 2010 5:02 pm

    Nice smock. I like the colors!

    Sgt P.
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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by Sgt P. Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:31 pm

    Nice looking 60 Pattern DPM Falklands smock. I got one from an old friend in the UK, Alan Leslie.
    He was a huge US Marines collector. Lost him under the radar about 8-9 years ago. If anyone here on the forum know of him, or his where-a-bouts, please let me know. The set that he sent me looked unworn and in mint condition and my size, which is a size six. Cool Very Happy
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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by bravo_2_zero Sat Feb 20, 2010 2:38 pm

    A nice golden DPM, this will fade like the gold tigers of the vietnam period, i have had tropical DPM's in this print that have gone gold, very sexy when faded.

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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by CollectinSteve Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:49 pm

    One of my favorites. Like Camo_fiend, this was the first piece of DPM I ever owned. Great cool weather coat, but I'd sooner go naked than wear that thing on a hot summer's day Very Happy

    Slight correction to Sgt. P's comment. This is a standard issue P-68 smock, not P-60. P-60 can be easily determined by looking at the collar. It's got parallel rows of stitching on it as opposed to non stitching of P-68 and later. There are other differences, of course, but the collar is the easy one to use to identify P-60.

    Here's a closeup of the collar from a nicely done website:

    Falklands War used DPM jacket P60col

    Unlike later British stuff, the label in the P-60 uniform actually specifies what it is. Specifically it states "Pattern 1960".

    Source: http://server.microlite16.com/josephs-militaria-and-homefront-collection.co.uk/PAGE47.HTML

    Grim Reaper
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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by Grim Reaper Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:44 pm

    I think also the P60 is just a DPM version of the Green combat jacket style wise that came before, incidently my good buddy wore a nice P60 combat jacket in our South Armagh Northern Ireland tour of 1991/92, he still has it now.........so much for Gucci Smocks! Very Happy


    Location : New England, US
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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by CollectinSteve Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:18 am


    Yup, that's my understanding. I don't think it was made for long before P68 was introduced. Funny to hear someone wearing it around 30 years after it went out of service, but you military types are funny that way Wink I've got a picture of a bunch of Belgian snipers wearing a mix mash of current and nearly 50 year old kit.

    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by Grim Reaper Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:43 am

    My buddy is a bit eccentric to say the least, he used an Alice pack for his bergan too, but I was always into the new kit (well to use anyway) can we see the pic of Belgium Snipers Steve? Sounds interesting, maybe stick it up in Sniperland Wink

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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by bravo_2_zero Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:47 pm

    Grim Reaper wrote:My buddy is a bit eccentric to say the least, he used an Alice pack for his bergan too, but I was always into the new kit (well to use anyway) can we see the pic of Belgium Snipers Steve? Sounds interesting, maybe stick it up in Sniperland Wink


    When i shot match82 SF , we shared the camp with Belgium Commando's. Yes it's true they wear anything but there own camo. I saw DPM smocks worn with US BDU trousers, Jigsaw with DPM and woodland. They even went out clubbing on a night out dressed in DPM with black balaclarva rolled up !!!

    We were a 8 man SF team on a bus of maybe 40 commando's and they all wore some sort of military kit like we wore jeans and shirts.

    Location : New England, US
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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by CollectinSteve Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:34 pm

    That sounds about right! I bought about 80 US BDU sets for the Belgian CDOs to use as work uniforms as their uniforms are very expensive to replace. But those times have changed. A while ago (2002?) the Belgian high command said no-no to non-approved kit, even for Para/CDOs.


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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by filupe Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:27 pm

    Foreign and older kit has always been 'gucci' to a certain mindset of soldier. Unfortunately, these days the 'guccier' kit you have the more people dismiss you as a damned airsofter!

    Name : Ben
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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by Camo_fiend Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:30 pm

    filupe wrote:Unfortunately, these days the 'guccier' kit you have the more people dismiss you as a damned airsofter!
    Sadly you are right...and I've seen quite a few instances where airsofters were better equipped for their game than real soldiers are for war! Evil or Very Mad

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    Falklands War used DPM jacket Empty Re: Falklands War used DPM jacket

    Post by Camosaurus Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:49 am

    Foreign and older kit has always been 'gucci' to a certain mindset of soldier. Unfortunately, these days the 'guccier' kit you have the more people dismiss you as a damned airsofter!

    OUCH! This gotta hurt big time! Sad Anyway, here in the Philippines one way to spot an airsofter is when he's wearing a "Blackwater" shirt and some "tactical" pants and khaki ballcap with velcro on it and desert boots in the mall.

    Sadly you are right...and I've seen quite a few instances where airsofters were better equipped for their game than real soldiers are for war!

    Looks like anywhere you go airsofters are better equipped, be it in the UK or in the US or any other country.

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