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    USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : San Dimas, ca
    Registration date : 2009-06-21
    Number of posts : 80

    USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps Empty USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps

    Post by pwmiraldi67 Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:06 am

    Hey all,
    I was lucky enough to score 4 hats on ebay, all belonging to One Airman in the 6200th MMS, out of either Clarck Air base, in the PI and/or Da Nang. either way, all 4 hats were made in PI
    although, they are a little smelly, they are all pretty awsome.
    just gotta find out what command they were attached to and which pocket patch they may have worn, any help??

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : San Dimas, ca
    Registration date : 2009-06-21
    Number of posts : 80

    USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps Empty Re: USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps

    Post by pwmiraldi67 Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:13 am

    USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps BpUUZBGkKGrHqEH-EEEuZuPWQBLrBItlZw_

    USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps BpUVPQmkKGrHqEH-DsEueWITBLrBIPY_35

    USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps BpUFBWkKGrHqYH-CYEuZ0OMcRBLrBI5OgVg

    USAF 6200th MMS black ball caps BpUWHgBGkKGrHqQH-CwEuYw1oB-IBLrBI1Q

      Current date/time is Tue Nov 12, 2024 3:24 am