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    Croatian woodland camo shirt


    Name : Yehoshua
    Location : USA/Israel
    Registration date : 2010-04-02
    Number of posts : 55

    Croatian woodland camo shirt Empty Croatian woodland camo shirt

    Post by bajiman55 Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:06 am

    Croatian woodland camo shirt Croat_10Croatian woodland camo shirt Croat_11Croatian woodland camo shirt Croat_13Croatian woodland camo shirt Croat_14Croatian woodland camo shirt Croat_12
    As you can see from the last picture the workmanship on these is not perfect. Does anybody know what patches would go on something like this?

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6965

    Croatian woodland camo shirt Empty Re: Croatian woodland camo shirt

    Post by CollectinSteve Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:39 am

    Depends on what year this was used. The Croats used a HUGE variety of badging during the breakup of Yugoslavia, though often their uniforms didn't have anything on them even when they were in an official uniform (which often they were not, especially early on). These badges sometimes go for significant amounts of money because there is a rule out there... if there is a badge made, there is a group dedicated to collecting them. This is definitely true for all badging related to the Balkans conflicts of the 1990s.

    Post war badging on Woodland uniforms appears to usually be the following:

    LEFT ARM - tall badge with rounded top. National crest with branch of service below
    RIGHT ARM - unit badge. Round is a common shape but it isn't the only type I think
    LEFT BREAST - cloth rank sewn over pocket


    Name : Yehoshua
    Location : USA/Israel
    Registration date : 2010-04-02
    Number of posts : 55

    Croatian woodland camo shirt Empty Re: Croatian woodland camo shirt

    Post by bajiman55 Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:04 am

    Thanks, I'll see if I can find some. I think I know just where to look.

    Location : North Italy
    Registration date : 2012-05-23
    Number of posts : 73

    Croatian woodland camo shirt Empty Re: Croatian woodland camo shirt

    Post by sgtfcm Sat May 26, 2012 1:53 am

    this rip-stop shirt is from 1992-1993. I personally brought it back from there.
    Again, sorry for the poor photo, I took at the time.

    Croatian woodland camo shirt Camiciacroata

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