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    Russian VSR Camouflage Jacket


    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Russian VSR Camouflage Jacket Empty Russian VSR Camouflage Jacket

    Post by Camo_fiend Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:33 pm

    Hello everyone.

    I'm looking to complete a uniform and need a jacket to do so. I would prefer it to be in a "practical" size that looks like it could've actually been worn by someone who wasn't the size of Yao Ming or Shaq. Wink (48-3 or 50-3 is ideal).

    I have provided a photo of the trousers colouration so that if anyone's got a spare jacket that's a good match to my trousers they could part with, they can see if it matches. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I'd like it to be close. (We all know how many colour variants of VSR there are.) Laughing

    Russian VSR Camouflage Jacket 100_1845

    Thanks in advance to anyone who's able to help!


    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

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