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2 posters

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias


    Name : Ljubomir
    Location : Zagreb, Croatia
    Registration date : 2010-12-02
    Number of posts : 295

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Empty The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias

    Post by kokan1 Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:32 pm

    The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF, Malay: Angkatan Tentera Malaysia-ATM), the military of Malaysia, consists of three branches; the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN, Malay: Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia-TLDM), the Malaysian Army (Malay: Tentera Darat Malaysia-TD) and the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF, Malay: Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia-TUDM).

    Malaysia's armed forces originated from the formation of local military forces in the first half of the 20th century, during British colonial rule of Malaya and Singapore prior to Malaya's independence in 1957. Its role is to defend the sovereignty and strategic interests of Malaysia from all forms of threat.

    It is responsible for assisting civilian authorities to overcome all international threats, preserve public order, assist in natural disasters and participate in national development programs. It is also sustaining and upgrading its capabilities in the international sphere to uphold the national foreign policy of being involved under the guidance of the United Nations (UN).

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Malezi10

    Name : Ljubomir
    Location : Zagreb, Croatia
    Registration date : 2010-12-02
    Number of posts : 295

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Empty Re: The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias

    Post by kokan1 Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:36 pm

    Insignias shown on those scans are part of my collection.

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Malezi12

    Name : Ljubomir
    Location : Zagreb, Croatia
    Registration date : 2010-12-02
    Number of posts : 295

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Empty Re: The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias

    Post by kokan1 Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:40 pm

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Malvoj10

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Malvoj11
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Henry G
    Age : 32
    Location : Sydney
    Registration date : 2010-07-13
    Number of posts : 368

    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Empty Re: The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias

    Post by lammasulyon Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:23 am

    ive seen some of this patches before...

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    The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias Empty Re: The Malaysian Armed Forces insignias

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      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:33 am