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    $$$ Wanted Auction Item Wisam al Rafidain Kingdom set Arthurs Bertrand El Rafidain bestowed to Ralph Harwood $$$

    Iraqi Militaria

    Name : SSG Luna, Lorenzo
    Age : 48
    Location : Baghdad, Iraq in Heart
    Registration date : 2010-01-13
    Number of posts : 254

    $$$ Wanted Auction Item Wisam al Rafidain Kingdom set Arthurs Bertrand El Rafidain bestowed to Ralph Harwood $$$ Empty $$$ Wanted Auction Item Wisam al Rafidain Kingdom set Arthurs Bertrand El Rafidain bestowed to Ralph Harwood $$$

    Post by Iraqi Militaria Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:45 pm

    $$$ Wanted Auction Item Wisam al Rafidain Kingdom set Arthurs Bertrand El Rafidain bestowed to Ralph Harwood $$$ Lfrr11

    $$$ Wanted Auction Item Wisam al Rafidain Kingdom set Arthurs Bertrand El Rafidain $$$

    Wanted Wisam al Rafidain El Rafidain Order Kingdom bestowed to Ralph Harwood

    Hello everyone who sees this, I am looking for an auction piece that sold for $1,792.00 with all the original documents. This piece sold in 2008, I am willing to pay $3,000 or discuss a price for the complete set. Please contact me if you are the owner or know of the owner that wants to resale it.

    Thank you very much; I look forward to hearing from the buyer of the piece soon.

    Thank you


      Current date/time is Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:42 pm