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    Bulgarian Frog/Rain Camo Comparison

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Erick
    Location : Pacific Northwest - USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-23
    Number of posts : 165

    Bulgarian Frog/Rain Camo Comparison Empty Bulgarian Frog/Rain Camo Comparison

    Post by escammo Wed May 25, 2011 1:21 am

    Peterson writes about this in his book “Wehrmacht Camouflage Uniforms: And Post-War Derivatives” but, here is a photo comparison of a couple of Bulgarian uniforms. These photos show what Peterson was referring to.
    Bulgarian Frog/Rain Camo Comparison Bulgy_compair
    Some collector references (including “brainchild” websites) describe these two uniforms as being separate patterns - frog pattern and rain pattern.

    As you can see, these uniforms actually have the same drawings, just the coloration is different.

    Here is the backside of a Czech “needle” pattern jacket. As you can see the Czech pattern also resembles the Bulgarian pattern (not sure if it is an exact match or not). Steve has mentioned this before.

    Bulgarian Frog/Rain Camo Comparison Czech_needle_hat

    Hope this is of interest.



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