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Crna Strela
16 posters

    Romanian camo stuff

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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by koalorka Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:19 pm

    Nice finds, the police camo is fairly uncommon. But unfortunately, due to the size and weight, winter-weight uniforms are not as prized as their summer equivalents, just look at the discrepancy in Soviet/Russian garments.

    Are the pants lined and quilted as well?


    Age : 48
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by saltefanden Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:34 pm

    Oh yes, I'm affraid so.
    We're talking US size large and close to 1500 grams on the trousers.

    But wouldn't heavy, chunky and more robust gear normally be of general interest? Are lined pieces considered less attractive due to weight or because they are more abundant? (Thanks Raff by the way!)
    Crna Strela
    Crna Strela

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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by Crna Strela Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:32 pm

    Saltefanden, your suit was used till some years ago by the romanian Gendarmery ( Jandarmeria Română ).
    Maybe some personell is still using this camouflage, but we can say that it's no longer used.
    Romanian '90s suits changed colors by piece to piece very often, due to poor quality and different manufacturer, but Gendarmery suits weren't like that and I've seen more homogeneity of colors in this model.
    Anyway I noticed a small change of colors between the earlier Gendarmery camo and the recent models...the first models were often made in a grey-tone, while the latest models (like probably yours) were much more bluish, I would say "violaceous-blue".

    Early photo exemple:

    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Picture0142246

    More recent photo exemple:

    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Pozan
    Lieutenant Colonel
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by koalorka Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:34 pm

    Ronny, the weight is a big factor, I've held off on several rare Soviet winter uniforms due to excessive shipping costs and the storage volume which they occupy. I have the Romanian winter jacket but in Md. 1993 fleck camo and it alone weighs almost over 5 kilograms.

    Not that I am downplaying the value of this uniform, and if I had the opportunity, I would still love one in my inventory.

    Was it a local find?
    Crna Strela
    Crna Strela

    Location : Italy
    Registration date : 2010-05-19
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by Crna Strela Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:22 am

    I take the occasion to share a super photo that I've recently found.
    It seems an official picture like one of those made by Ministry of Defence etc..to show the official equipment used by the armed forces.
    I found it as "tinuta campanie RSR", that means "field uniform of Socialist Republic of Romania".
    It's very interesting because it shows a M90 camouflage in an unusual cut, designed as the old cold-era romanian uniforms. I can't see very well the belt insignia and the symbol on the cap, but they could be the old ones used during the communism.
    My idea is that this photo shows maybe the first prototype of the M90 camo, but I can't say if it was made in the last days of the Socialist Republic (that would mean that M90 pattern was already designed before the fall of Ceausescu), or later, in 1990.
    Anyway, I'm very very happy to have found this photo!

    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Tinuta_campanie_camuflaj_cu_capela_RSR

    Age : 48
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by saltefanden Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:56 am

    Hi Filippo and thank you for the great info and pictures! There really is a big difference in colour on this pattern, I see, and yes my set is very blue, almost purple in the colour scheme. The last, brownish uniform shown is very, very cool!

    And yep Raff, a guy on a local Danish trade site offered it simply as 'winter camo set', and I recognized the pattern and the cut from the photos on this very thread. I love this place and you guys rule!

    And yep to the weight, it cost me almost as much in postage as the set itself, and we're talking local shipping here! silent

    Location : FRANCE
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by vonstuck Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:49 pm

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    Lieutenant Colonel
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by koalorka Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:18 pm

    Md. 1990 leaf on parade:

    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Rom1v

    Location : FRANCE
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by vonstuck Sun May 19, 2013 4:20 pm

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    the shirt and the jacket used for the compare

    Registration date : 2011-07-29
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by jimmyduncan23 Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:56 am

    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 72329010

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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by CollectinSteve Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:00 pm

    What the...?!?  I'm going to have to see about getting me one of those Wink


    Registration date : 2011-07-29
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by jimmyduncan23 Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:54 pm

    find me one too

    Location : New England, US
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:46 am

    Contacts already alerted to my "needs" Very Happy

    Related to this topic, I just received a rare Romanian M93 winter set.  The trousers are standard, but the coat is anything but.  Apparently it was used by Engineers.  Probably because they needed something more practical than the standard long parka:

    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 File_zps49b7b38a

    Note that the pockets are similar to the summer uniform and not at all like the normal winter type. It is also much shorter than the standard type, though mine was tailored to fit a smaller soldier and therefore I can't say for sure how much shorter because mine had the hem reduced as well as the back taken in.  Apparently the liner is sewn into the coat and not detachable like on the standard parka.

    I'm trying to find out more about this as I've not heard of it before now.

    NOTE!  I put the rank on this one before I learned that Engineers used it.  The rank should be black based.  Fortunately I have a spare set somewhere so I can do this right Very Happy


    Location : New England, US
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:59 am

    Ah, looking back on the previous page I did spot that Crna Strela has one of the special winter coats.  Not a surprise... he's gone 2 of practically everything Romanian Wink

    Lieutenant Colonel
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by koalorka Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:51 am

    They went from a DDPM to a DCU 3-colour in ACU cut? confused

    Interesting winter version. Can't say I've encountered it before.

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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by FobanX Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:25 pm

    Romanian Experimental DPM Camo Suit.
    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Romani10


    It's made in Bucurest by 1986.
    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Romani11
    Lieutenant Colonel
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by koalorka Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:05 pm

    1986, wow!

    Location : New England, US
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by CollectinSteve Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:32 am

    I have a small pouch made from this material. At the time I was told it was a commercial item. Looking at the features of FobanX's uniform I would agree with that. Plus, I can not conceive of a reason why a Communist country would even consider adopting a NATO member pattern.

    Lieutenant Colonel
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by koalorka Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:48 am

    I would have to agree. It certainly doesn't have any features familiar in Romanian field uniforms of the time, unless it was to be some sort of coverall for special forces operating behind enemy lines in the British sector. Laughing 

    But that's much less likely than it just being hunting suit.

    Location : FRANCE
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by vonstuck Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:29 pm

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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by CollectinSteve Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:29 pm

    Very interesting, Gilles! It is nice to see a comparison that shows they switched the colors for two of the screens. I haven't looked for that before.


    Location : Romania
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by sentom1015 Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:01 am

    koalorka wrote:I would have to agree. It certainly doesn't have any features familiar in Romanian field uniforms of the time, unless it was to be some sort of coverall for special forces operating behind enemy lines in the British sector. Laughing 

    But that's much less likely than it just being hunting suit.

    Got one the same made in 1987 same manufacturer and it has a a 3 digit no. guess it's  a serial and it have a net  brown net for face (this is a  features familiar in Romanian field uniforms) do not think it's a hunter suit, during that times were very few registered hunters !  when i buy this a  think it was used from the actual Army. I tend to think that it's a experimental.
    And Do not forget that Ceusescu had have a worm welcome from  the Queen, maybe was a made for british Army

    Location : Romania
    Registration date : 2014-02-03
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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by sentom1015 Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:25 am

    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Iamc10

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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by vonstuck Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:19 pm

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    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Empty Re: Romanian camo stuff

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:31 pm

    Wow, I don't think I've seen that one before. My guess is it is summer version M93. Is there a date on your labels? Whatever it is, you're lucky to have it Wink

    Now that I look at Raff's picture (above) more closely, you can see it is of this type:

    Romanian camo stuff - Page 2 Rom1v


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