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    Modified BDU-How to

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : clayton
    Location : Florida
    Registration date : 2011-08-26
    Number of posts : 305

    Modified BDU-How to Empty Modified BDU-How to

    Post by Gemini Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:53 pm

    Does anyone here know how to make them?I have a sewing kit and do not feel like paying a taylor to make one for me.Can someone give some directions,tips?Thanks.
    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    Modified BDU-How to Empty Re: Modified BDU-How to

    Post by John Brown Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:59 pm

    Do you have any sewing experience?

    If not, it might be worth paying a tailor $5 or $10 to do it for you.

    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
    Registration date : 2009-03-02
    Number of posts : 1419

    Modified BDU-How to Empty Re: Modified BDU-How to

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:21 pm

    No offense but no way. If one posts a tutorial here, more fakes will show up on ebay.

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Modified BDU-How to Oifbanner

    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    Modified BDU-How to Empty Re: Modified BDU-How to

    Post by John Brown Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:24 pm

    Mercenary25 wrote:No offense but no way. If one posts a tutorial here, more fakes will show up on ebay.
    {Devil's Advocate} How do you know he's not a serviceman? {/Devil's Advocate}

    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
    Registration date : 2009-03-02
    Number of posts : 1419

    Modified BDU-How to Empty Re: Modified BDU-How to

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:26 pm

    John Brown wrote:
    Mercenary25 wrote:No offense but no way. If one posts a tutorial here, more fakes will show up on ebay.
    {Devil's Advocate} How do you know he's not a serviceman? {/Devil's Advocate}

    Haha well, I figured that service men would have brought their DCU's to their base tailor shops or rigger shops to have them modified. Also, only SF and like still wear DCU's and BDU's, not regular ol' grunts.

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Modified BDU-How to Oifbanner


    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
    Registration date : 2009-03-02
    Number of posts : 1419

    Modified BDU-How to Empty Re: Modified BDU-How to

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:33 pm

    Just to be clear, I'm not accusing of anyone making fakes. I just don't want people to find tutorial here on this forum then used it for their profits and left collectors hosed.

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Modified BDU-How to Oifbanner


    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
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    Modified BDU-How to Empty Re: Modified BDU-How to

    Post by nkomo Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:35 am

    Take my advice....go to a base tailor and have it done. I have several modified DCU's in my collection that have been hand sewn by the soldier and they look like crap. If you want it to look decent, take it to a tailor and have it done professionally.

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : clayton
    Location : Florida
    Registration date : 2011-08-26
    Number of posts : 305

    Modified BDU-How to Empty Re: Modified BDU-How to

    Post by Gemini Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:44 am

    No,not a soldier.Just some kid,just got out of high school.I have some sewing experice but not much.I didt know it was that cheap.Alsa their are no taylors out here in no where.I understand the concern.I thought about that after I posted this.I purpose this then.Maybe send the directions via email?If not,I fully understand and wont press it anymore.wow,10 dollars?I wish there was one out here!
    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    Modified BDU-How to Empty Re: Modified BDU-How to

    Post by John Brown Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:47 pm

    Gemini wrote:No,not a soldier.Just some kid,just got out of high school.I have some sewing experice but not much.I didt know it was that cheap.Alsa their are no taylors out here in no where.I understand the concern.I thought about that after I posted this.I purpose this then.Maybe send the directions via email?If not,I fully understand and wont press it anymore.wow,10 dollars?I wish there was one out here!
    I guarantee you can find a Vietnamese lady who sews stuff around there (if you can't find any businesses run by the VN ladies, just ask at any nail salon).

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