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    FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags.

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Montreal
    Registration date : 2011-04-19
    Number of posts : 96

    FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags. Empty FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags.

    Post by Spañiard Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:31 pm

    I was looking through some Boxes I have stored and found a brand new USMC Issue BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat
    Trousers L/S with Tags. The ones that are Issued to the Marines have "FROM United States Marine Corps"
    on the Tag. The ones Issued "FROM U.S. ARMY", will be on white BUZZ-OFF Tag. Even my MARPAT Desert BUZZ-OFF
    has the same Tag as my DCU Trousers.

    FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags. 00110

    FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags. 00310

    FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags. 00210

    FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags. 00510

    MARPAT Desert Same tag.
    FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags. Kgrhqf10

    ACU "FROM U.S. ARMY", Tag.
    FROM "United States Marine Corps" BUZZ-OFF DCU Combat Trousers with Tags. 49749910

      Current date/time is Sun Dec 08, 2024 12:49 pm