I sit searching ebay , and have been wanting a multicam set , issue of course , and there are tons of them on ebay almost as many as ACU sets , but the prices are absolutely ridicules for something so common , $100 for a pair of issue pants or top , I guess I will wait a little longer and see if they come down , second is the legendary "Snow MARPAT" , every week more of these show up for sale , and its well know is was not just a trial piece but issued , and yet the prices for these sets is like they were experimental in nature, enough complaining for now , just cant even believe some of the prices , sad thing is , people are paying it .
4 posters
Again Crazy prices abound !
panzerwerk- Colonel
- Name : Steve Hoeger
Age : 57
Location : California , U.S.A
Registration date : 2009-02-16
Number of posts : 3068
- Post n°1
Again Crazy prices abound !
- Location : Austria
Registration date : 2009-02-17
Number of posts : 3122
- Post n°2
Re: Again Crazy prices abound !
With a little luck you'll find new multicam ACU sets for less than 100$...
tenewel- Junior Sergeant
- Location : Colorado, USA
Registration date : 2011-07-26
Number of posts : 132
- Post n°3
Re: Again Crazy prices abound !
Sent you a PM.
Sent you a PM.
HoovieDude- Senior Sergeant
- Location : Africa
Registration date : 2010-04-04
Number of posts : 351
- Post n°4
Re: Again Crazy prices abound !
Steve, I'll hit some stores this week and see what I can find. They are starting to show up here around Hood, and there are quite a few around Polk. My oldest has a pair of trousers that I got him, that he wears quite a bit
panzerwerk- Colonel
- Name : Steve Hoeger
Age : 57
Location : California , U.S.A
Registration date : 2009-02-16
Number of posts : 3068
- Post n°5
Re: Again Crazy prices abound !
Thanks Mike , I would not spend more the $50 shipped for a set , I think the market will be flooded with them by next year , Like the ACU's that you can get a new set for about $30 , Multicam will be the same .
tenewel- Junior Sergeant
- Location : Colorado, USA
Registration date : 2011-07-26
Number of posts : 132
- Post n°6
Re: Again Crazy prices abound !
I believe there will be chances at cheaper ones but there will be differences between ACUs and OCPs. ADO (Army Direct Ordering) is only covering ACUs for now. That means that all replacement uniforms will be in UCP. OCP is only being issued to units going to Afganistan. And some units aren't getting them till late or not at all.
Until the Army decides to ditch UCP (PLEASE, PLEASE!!) I don't think the flooding will be the same. But I've been wrong before.
Until the Army decides to ditch UCP (PLEASE, PLEASE!!) I don't think the flooding will be the same. But I've been wrong before.
panzerwerk- Colonel
- Name : Steve Hoeger
Age : 57
Location : California , U.S.A
Registration date : 2009-02-16
Number of posts : 3068
- Post n°7
Re: Again Crazy prices abound !
They are all ready all over ebay in huge amounts and with more troops going to Afghanistan from Iraq there will only be more , so I will wait ....
HoovieDude- Senior Sergeant
- Location : Africa
Registration date : 2010-04-04
Number of posts : 351
- Post n°8
Re: Again Crazy prices abound !
Even the DA civilians, Navy and Air Force folks are getting them issued where I work at Polk. Plenty showing up here at Hood too, with 1st CavDiv's Aviation BDE in Afghanistan, and some other support type units supposedly on the list to go shortly.