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    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help


    Location : Outer Heaven
    Registration date : 2012-02-03
    Number of posts : 6

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by RedLion1 Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:50 am

    Hello, I pick up these Libyan Military Overalls along with a few other things. I was wondering if anyone could tell me who would be most likely to wear something like this?


    Location : Outer Heaven
    Registration date : 2012-02-03
    Number of posts : 6

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by RedLion1 Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:51 am

    I forgot to include that they are made in Korea as well.

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    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:37 am

    These came from Santiago, yes? Very Happy

    It is difficult to say. I have not seen this particular style of uniform before. Could be anything, unfortunately, because African nations are not known for standardization.


    Location : Outer Heaven
    Registration date : 2012-02-03
    Number of posts : 6

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by RedLion1 Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:44 am

    Yes, I got it from Santiago, Well, I know the Libyans take a lot of their influence from other nations around them like Egypt, Syria, and Algeria. I wonder if any those nations use this style as well. Santiago, guess it was armor but I doubt it. I seem Libyan tanker uniforms before and they only come in two colors but never any camouflage like this one.

    Name : danilo matz
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    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by drmatz Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:12 pm

    i've seeing many pictures of this pattern being worn by Libyan troops, even before the "revolution" there were plenty of them around.. i think if you check other Libyan posts you might find some pics of their usage...
    there was a libyan military unit composed by females only that used the same uniform pattern...
    here is one pic for reference
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help 20099110

    As for their influence, i would say their primary source would be US, followed by germany and south korea...
    Argelia wear basically lizard and dpm variants, not very seldom seeing in libya, as for egypt, besides woodland and choc chip uniforms, there's nothing on the libyan army that resembles any of their stuff...

    here's a few pics of libyan uniforms and variants
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_10
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_11

    (note this german splinter uniform)
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_12

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_14
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_15
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_16
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_17
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_18
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_19
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_20
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_21
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_22



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    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by kammo-man Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:58 pm

    Camouflage porn .

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-09
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    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:15 pm

    Yeah, and they weren't to particular about the cut/style either. The one is pretty close to RedLion1's set, but it's got buttons and is in a slightly different style:

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help 20099110

    But for Libya it's normal to have this sort of diversity. I'd say what RedLion1 has is Libyan unless someone comes up with some pics showing the exact same thing in another country. And even then that doesn't mean Libya didn't use it. Because we all know these aren't exclusive to Libya...

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_21

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_19

    I'm still drooling over the latter one...


    Location : FRANCE
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    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by vonstuck Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:57 pm

    CollectinSteve wrote:
    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_19

    I'm still drooling over the latter one...


    Chad pattern for this one


    Location : Outer Heaven
    Registration date : 2012-02-03
    Number of posts : 6

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

    Post by RedLion1 Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:24 am

    CollectinSteve wrote:Yeah, and they weren't to particular about the cut/style either. The one is pretty close to RedLion1's set, but it's got buttons and is in a slightly different style:

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help 20099110

    But for Libya it's normal to have this sort of diversity. I'd say what RedLion1 has is Libyan unless someone comes up with some pics showing the exact same thing in another country. And even then that doesn't mean Libya didn't use it. Because we all know these aren't exclusive to Libya...

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_21

    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Libya_19

    I'm still drooling over the latter one...


    Yes it is pretty close. In fact that is the closet one I have seem yet. It's still makes me wonder, who would had worn these overalls? I believe those women are apart of the Jamahiriyyah Guard but I could be wrong.

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    Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary?  Tanker? Help Empty Re: Libyan Military Overalls? Paratrooper? Paramilitary? Tanker? Help

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