by saltefanden Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:53 pm
The canvas belt is probably unoriginal and new, I agree.
But the buckle may have some provenance as the eagle looks rather like the early logo of Danish rescue services Falck - now part of Group4/Falck - they and 'Zonen' (or 'The Zone', what a name!) where the two dominant resque- and ambulance services in Denmark before, during and after WW2. They were both 'purveyor of services to the Kingdom of Denmark' which might explain the crown.
It may or may not be a really old Falck belt buckle and that would make it Danish after all, though not military or even AF. But with even 15 min. of Google'ing I've found nothing substantial. Maybe scour 'Falck', 'belt buckle' and 'vintage' longer and harder than I did?
Last edited by saltefanden on Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : BELT BUCKLE WAS INDENTIFIED BY A FEW GOOD NORWEGIANS ON THIS FORUM AS NORWEGIAN A.F. - PLEASE DISREGARD MY CRUDE SPECULATIONS ;-D)