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Easy Gee
6 posters

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon


    Location : Philippines
    Registration date : 2012-05-02
    Number of posts : 19

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon Empty Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon

    Post by Polkas Thu May 03, 2012 8:03 am

    Was able to visit the Vietnam War Remnants Museum in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and snapped these pics.

    F-5... I saw another one on the grounds of the Reunification Palace.
    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 003-6

    Of course, a Huey.
    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 007-2

    In the Huey...
    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 008-2

    A-1 Skyraider... For some strange reason, I have always liked this aircraft. It's big though.
    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 010-3

    I think this was nicknamed "Bird Dog"...
    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 011-2

    A-37? I don't know anything about this one...
    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 013-1

    Like the Huey, there has to be a M-113.
    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 167-2

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 005-6

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 161

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 163

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 168-1

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 171

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 015-1

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 016-1

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 017-2

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon 018
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
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    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon Empty Re: Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon

    Post by Easy Gee Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:21 pm

    Outstanding photo's, I am amazed by the amount of hardware sat in that museum Shocked , do you know if they were left behind, or donated from the states for their displays,thanks for sharing !!!!!
    Officer Candidate
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    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon Empty Re: Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon

    Post by DS9ACU Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:51 pm

    Awesome stuff. I'm not sure how I missed this museum when I went Mad
    Junior Sergeant
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    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon Empty Re: Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon

    Post by Sarge Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:25 am

    Looks like they used the same US air force stencil on all the A/C. Most, if not all, put in the wrong place. Those are ALL captured South Viet Nam A/C that they have repainted. Same with the Armoured vehicles, Wrong markings.
    The Bird Dog was originaly an L 19, in later years the designation was changed to 01. When I was flying them in the early 60s they were L 19s.
    The A 37 was originaly a T 37 primary flight trainer converted to a ground attack A/C. They were/are a good bird. They came into the system when I was in flight school in 58. My class started on the T 34s. Next class got the T 37s.

    Age : 53
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    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon Empty Re: Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon

    Post by Gulf91 Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:28 pm

    Excellent pics and Vietnam is one place I MUST visit one day.

    The pics of the rifles etc,not sure what type that SLR is supposed to be,Aussies were issued them but not sure if they used L1A1s with the plastic furniture and IF they did the commonwealth ones only had 2 cooling slots in the handguard.

    Looks like it could be a Belgian FAL or possibly an Austrian STG(not sure if either of these were used in Vietnam??)

    Location : Oz
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    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon Empty Re: Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon

    Post by filupe Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:43 pm

    Yeah, I had an 'argument' with another 'expert' on another forum who claimed that these were Australian SLRs - when I pointed out that they were definitely European he implied they might be from the initial 'try out' shipment although I find that highly unlikely. We'll probably never know for sure unless someone manages to get a serial number off of it which can be researched.

    There is also a number of FALs or L1A1s in the Beijing War Museum - God knows how they got there ...

    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon Empty Re: Vietnam War Remnants Museum, Saigon

    Post by Gulf91 Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:47 pm

    filupe wrote:Yeah, I had an 'argument' with another 'expert' on another forum who claimed that these were Australian SLRs - when I pointed out that they were definitely European he implied they might be from the initial 'try out' shipment although I find that highly unlikely. We'll probably never know for sure unless someone manages to get a serial number off of it which can be researched.

    There is also a number of FALs or L1A1s in the Beijing War Museum - God knows how they got there ...

    Yep,a close up would help of the flash hider,cocking handle,pistol grip etc but i would bet my left bollock that the one pictured isnt Aussie or Commonwealth,definitely foreign.

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