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    AASAM 2012


    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-15
    Number of posts : 1088

    AASAM 2012 Empty AASAM 2012

    Post by filupe Mon May 07, 2012 5:56 am

    That time of the year again ...

    Here are some pictures of the current Australian Skill-at-Arms Meet, still ongoing ...

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7841
    Flags representing the participating countries this year ...

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7848
    British competitor wearing the new MTP camo and TRF ... rank slide (not seen) indicates he is an officer from the Queen's Own Gurkha Logistics Regiment

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7853
    For the weapon nuts, a HK-416 now designated the M-27 - the new automatic rifle for the USMC and fed by a Surefire 60 rd magazine. A VERY nice piece of kit!

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7876
    Back to camo ... Japanese competitor at the range. Most of them seem to be from their elite ranger unit. Quite a happy bunch out of uniform.

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7827
    Thais came completely outfitted in their digital camo

    Will post other pictures as I get the opportunity ...


    Location : nowhere
    Registration date : 2010-02-11
    Number of posts : 206

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by peace_benny5405 Mon May 07, 2012 9:56 am

    more more ~~~ alien

    Location : Auckland
    Registration date : 2011-08-06
    Number of posts : 288

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by onward288 Mon May 07, 2012 10:46 pm

    Nice pics any kiwi teams spent some time shooting the 416 and 7 shot well but not a big fan preferred the SCARs haven't had a shoot with our new MRs the Lewis mach and tool. Had a shoot with the surefire 60 a bit fiddly but saves a mag change.

    AASAM 2012 31150_10

    AASAM 2012 31150_11

    AASAM 2012 Photo028

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-15
    Number of posts : 1088

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by filupe Tue May 08, 2012 5:07 pm

    Yes. The Kiwis are here. Spent a bit of time talking to one of them about the 'Aumangea' arc on his shoulder. They seem to be a team from all over unlike in previous years where they were corps specific i.e. artillery or infantry. Unfortunately for them they are using ADI manufactured Steyrs with all their inherent problems ...

    Anyway, more pics ....

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7884
    French Marine practising firing position during the Close Quarter Battle shoot. The black baseball cap was custom headwear made specifically for the event incorporating a logo designed for the French AASAM team.

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7886
    All ADF competitors for the CQB shoot had to fire wearing Modular Combat Body Armour System (MCBAS)vest and Enhanced Combat Helmet (ECH). This provided an opportunity for foreign teams to try on these items, including these two members of the Phillipines Army Combat Shooting Team.

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7896
    No frills telephoto ... camera hand-slaved to a set of military binos! Member of New Zealand team undertaking the CQB shoot whilst USAF cameraman lurks nearby.

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7903
    Another view of the sole USAF representative together with US Army contingent. The ABU blends quite well with the ACUs leading one to wonder why the USAF would even bother with a different pattern!

    Location : Auckland
    Registration date : 2011-08-06
    Number of posts : 288

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by onward288 Wed May 09, 2012 12:11 am

    Yeah the Ranger cse it was someone's brain child as an entry to a POA unit or RRF quick deployable unit that could be called on to act alone or with NZSF elements it ended up with 50% infantry and the rest other arms and Reserves who should be doing there own jobs or could not be deployed at short notice. They did some good training but ultimately a waste of time and money. Ive noticed the change in the teams too and because of the lack of skill in the infantry and the one army concept they will take anyone which can be a good thing because everything is now about participation so everyone gets the warm fuzzies.
    AASAM 2012 Aw100710

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-15
    Number of posts : 1088

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by filupe Wed May 09, 2012 11:56 pm

    More pics ... hung around the range with the Japanese contingent most of the morning ...

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7915
    Nice study of Japanese competitor - all of them seem to be from their Airborne Brigade.

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7916
    I thought this was cool - subdued Japanese battle flag insignia

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7923
    Comparison shot of Austeyr F-88 and Howa Type 89

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7926
    A compadre posing with two of the Japanese contingent. Note all the qualification insignia.
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Henry G
    Age : 32
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    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by lammasulyon Thu May 10, 2012 4:44 am

    Thanks plenty filupe...very cool photos indeed..would shout you a beer if it could be emailed lol

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-15
    Number of posts : 1088

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by filupe Sat May 12, 2012 3:56 am

    Pics update ...

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7963
    Canadian competitor from the Francophone Royal 22e Regiment

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7948
    Shooter from the Phillipines Army

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7960
    A recce contingent of senior officers from the Chinese People's Liberation Army. They may be possibly sending a team next year.

    AASAM 2012 Sml-IMGP7965
    Interesting group shot showing some comparison between PLA, USAF and Australian Navy Auscam (DPNU).

    Location : nowhere
    Registration date : 2010-02-11
    Number of posts : 206

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by peace_benny5405 Sun May 13, 2012 10:03 am

    Looking forward to PLA next year ... hahaha

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-15
    Number of posts : 1088

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by filupe Tue May 29, 2012 8:27 am

    Final instalment of pictures - after a decade hiatus, our unit team came back with a couple of Individual Firsts and took out the Falling Plate Match amongst the ADF Division - fairly chuffed about that! Hopefully they'll send us back next year ...

    All the following pics courtesy of SGT. John Waddell

    AASAM 2012 AASAM2012USMCSniper-1
    USMC Sniper competitor - can't make out the camo ... could be custom painted or one of the newer commercial patterns coming out (not A-TAC)

    AASAM 2012 AASAM2012Snipers
    Group shot of all sniper competitors (NZ competitors have been photoshopped in - not present for original picture)

    AASAM 2012 AASAM2012NZSection-1
    NZ Team undertaking the Section Match - 2.4 km approach march in 18 mins followed by fire and movement shoot from 400, 300, 200, 100 to 70m, then 10 mins to march 1.4 km to defensive pits for snap shooting

    AASAM 2012 AASAM2012Marines-1
    Marines of the World unite! USMC and Troupes de Marines

    AASAM 2012 AASAM2012MalayPistoleers
    Malaysian Pistoleros including their first ever female competitor

    AASAM 2012 AASAM2012BayonetMatch
    ADF competitor undertaking the Bayonet Assault Match - 20 secs to go from prone position at 100m point, run 25m, bayonet standing target then engage head-sized target from kneeling position with 5 rounds; then 20 secs again to move from 75 to 50m, bayonet a prone target, then 5 rounds from kneeling position.

    AASAM 2012 AASAM2012Barricade
    USMC competitor undertaking the Barricade Match - shooting from numbered keyhole apertures in order. Some Yoga inspired positions had to be employed in order to get a suitable sight picture!

    Camo news ... the Indonesians came with both their old DPM and their new digital pattern. The Brunei Shooting Team wore initially what I thought were Singaporean pixellated cams, but on closer inspection they had a definite vertical pattern and distinctly different from their Singaporean brethren.

    I ended up trading an DPCU and DPDU bush hat for its USMC equivalents ... other people traded boots for slouch hats and one enterprising Aussie managed to 'acquire' 30 M-16 magazines ... luckily before the P-Mag ban!

    Age : 31
    Location : France
    Registration date : 2012-05-26
    Number of posts : 20

    AASAM 2012 Empty Re: AASAM 2012

    Post by Ordo Wed May 30, 2012 4:26 am

    Nice pics, thank you !

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