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    JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s?

    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

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    JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s? Empty JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s?

    Post by koalorka Sat Jul 07, 2012 12:36 am

    Is there any concrete information on the development of the "tiger" uniforms during the late 1980s period of Yugoslavia? I have read about and seen tiger uniforms stamped with 1980s dates, in a pattern/colour much closer to the Cuban and Angolan imitation lizards. There is no doubt that they were developed from some Greek/French/Cuban type and were apparently trialled in the late 1980s and used until the early 1990s, some having been spotted in the civil wars. It was these uniforms that were the basis for the numerous green tiger variants used by Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia.

    I'd like to start this thread to clear up some of these points on the early usage of JNA tiger.

    Has anyone seen anything like this?

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
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    JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s? Empty Re: JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s?

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:16 pm

    Dunno, but I have a hat in the "gray" variety which is clearly marked, though not dated, as being made in Croatia. I've got a field jacket too, also made in Croatia but after the breakup.

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

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    JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s? Empty Re: JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s?

    Post by Jugosloven Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:36 pm

    The first to wear the tiger stripe camouflage were the MUP ( Ministarstvo Unutrašnjih Poslova) around the late 80s, then it was used during the Yugoslavian Civil wars and seen more worn by the Serbs and early stages of Armija R.BiH.


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    JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s? Empty Re: JNA Tiger (lizard) camouflage development. Late 1980s?

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