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    Another Czech Jacket

    Junior Lieutenant
    Junior Lieutenant

    Age : 51
    Location : Washington, DC
    Registration date : 2012-04-23
    Number of posts : 626

    Another Czech Jacket Empty Another Czech Jacket

    Post by sh4pak Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:21 pm

    --Found this a few weeks ago. In addition to what is depicted here, it has the crossed swords marking, and the flag on the sleeve-- I just wanted to make sure to post the anterior bellows pockets, and a close-up of the actual pattern. In terms of construction, I think that this jacket is one of the most intelligently designed that I have come across.

    Another Czech Jacket 7986730380_904a932d49_c
    Another Czech Jacket 7986729634_44a1086d55_c
    Another Czech Jacket 7986728990_e1742153c4_b

    Cheers, y'all!


      Current date/time is Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:35 pm