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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket


    Name : Graham
    Age : 59
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by loski Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:42 pm

    bousquet123 wrote:
    ripcord wrote:a well used shirtTailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 P1010110

    the para wing seems to be a copy or a Zimbabwe para wing !
    Hi Rip nice shirt and flap caps
    As far as I can tell the para wing is a Rhodesian SAS Para wing and not a Zimbuggered one as they reversed the colours of the wings from dark blue uppermost to light blue uppermost see the photo below for Zim SAS para wing
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Clip_image002_zps7690879c

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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty copy ?

    Post by ripcord Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:14 pm

    Hey loski,

    Thanks for the message. I know the wing is not from Robert Mugabe`s worker`s paradise,
    and also know it is an SAS wing. The wing is probably worth more than the shirt..
    It is original.

    I am not trying to be an A$$%&$#, but I am wondering what it is supposed to be a copy of.....

    Arrow rip...

    Name : Graham
    Age : 59
    Location : West Sussex
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by loski Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:26 am

    ripcord wrote:Hey loski,

    Thanks for the message. I know the wing is not from Robert Mugabe`s worker`s paradise,
    and also know it is an SAS wing. The wing is probably worth more than the shirt..
    It is original.

    I am not trying to be an A$$%&$#, but I am wondering what it is supposed to be a copy of.....

    Arrow rip...

    Im not shure what it could be a copy of an SAS wing maybe LOL

    Location : USA
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty more Rhodie..

    Post by ripcord Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:09 pm

    Hey all,

    Sorry `bout that..

    Let`s move on....

    Come on guys, let`s see more Rhodie......

    rip...Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 P1010022

    Location : South England
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by Madziro Mon May 06, 2013 12:38 pm

    It is difficult to tell from the photo but the wing looks like an Australian SAS wing. The backing of Rhodesian SAS wings were in olive green for cammo uniforms and tartan green for service dress.https://2img.net/h/i1196.photobucket.com/albums/aa410/Madziro/Rhodesian%20badges/SASwingsolivegreen_zpsbbef07d9.jpg


    Location : USA
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Rhodie SAS wings

    Post by ripcord Mon May 06, 2013 2:56 pm

    Hey Madziro

    Thanks for your comments, but I assure you, the para wings are 100% Rhodesian.


    Location : USA
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by ripcord Sat May 11, 2013 12:17 am

    Hi all,Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 P1010110

    Maybe a closer look... Question Question Question

    Maybe I should use a better camera


    Name : Graham
    Age : 59
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2010-08-11
    Number of posts : 919

    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by loski Sat May 11, 2013 4:05 am

    Hi Rip looking at the close up the wing does look like it could be an aussie one is it of a woven or embroidered construction
    regards G

    Location : USA
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by ripcord Sat May 11, 2013 11:47 am

    Hello G,

    Thanks for your comments.

    Around 1985, I received a large parcel from South Africa that contained all of the Rhodie kit I presently own.
    It came from a personal friend that has always sent me legit items .

    I have not examined the wings up close in a long time , but I cannot fathom why they would be anything other than what they are supposed to be.

    Will take another look ASAP, and take another photo, and we shall see...

    Thanks again, rip...
    Junior Sergeant
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    Name : BOUSQUET
    Location : France
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by bousquet123 Sat May 11, 2013 1:31 pm

    My genuine wings, I hope this will help

    Rhodesian SAS dress wing (I've 2)
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Vomtzd
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Bg6w4j

    Rhodesian SAS combat dress wing
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 5qhki
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 B6obyw

    Rhodesian SAS mess dress wing
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 1fb8th

    and a COPY APJI
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Skwdp2

    To compare:

    NZ SAS wing
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 1zeup2q

    Australian SAS wing
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 2djgnp



    Name : Graham
    Age : 59
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2010-08-11
    Number of posts : 919

    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by loski Sat May 11, 2013 1:56 pm

    Australian bevo woven combat
    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 001-36_zps5b8641df

    Location : USA
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by ripcord Sat May 11, 2013 3:38 pm

    Hi all,

    Thanks for all the input. I do see the differences, and I am more puzzled than ever...

    I apologize if I offended anyone, particularly bousquet123.

    Stubborn is my middle name... bounce


    Name : Graham
    Age : 59
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2010-08-11
    Number of posts : 919

    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by loski Sat May 11, 2013 8:01 pm

    It could be that the guy who cave it to you had served in the Aussie SAS

    Location : USA
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by ripcord Sat May 11, 2013 11:45 pm

    Hey Graham,

    Bit of a reach, but I suppose it could be possible.

    I am puzzled because the wing appears to be original to the shirt. And it's a pretty old shirt.

    It has been with me for 3 decades, and I certainly did not sew the wings onto the shirt.

    It seems strange that someone in Africa would affix an Australian wing to a Rhodie shirt.

    Thanks, rip...

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : BOUSQUET
    Location : France
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by bousquet123 Sun May 12, 2013 3:11 am

    ripcord wrote:Hi all,

    Thanks for all the input. I do see the differences, and I am more puzzled than ever...

    I apologize if I offended anyone, particularly bousquet123.

    Stubborn is my middle name... bounce


    Nobody is perfect and I can have too a wrong expertise, apologizes accepted

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    Location : USA
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by ripcord Sun May 12, 2013 6:15 pm

    Hey guys,

    Took a couple of photos today. The wings certainly do appear to be Aussie. I do believe the photos support my belief that the wings are original to the shirt.

    Conditions of both shirt and insignia seems to show they are of similar vintage.

    Very strange; brings more questions than answers Question

    At least I am consistent in posting crappy photos; Cant blame the camera,it' me...


    rip...Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Dscn0110Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Dscn0113

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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by ripcord Fri May 17, 2013 11:31 pm

    Hey Bousquet123,

    By the way, very nice collection of SAS wings,

    Thanks for posting them..


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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by filupe Mon May 27, 2013 12:08 pm

    Just to throw a spanner in the works, I believe the wings might be based on Australian wings but they aren't issue Australian wings: a.) they are assymetrical - not machine embroidered, and b.) they are done on some sort of drill backing as opposed to chambray

    The Australian wings loski posted above have been the only one I have observed on any form of Australian combat dress (if they are worn at all)- they were also worn on the everyday wear polyester shirt which is why they are on a khaki backing.

    As to why they are on a Rhodesian shirt - it's not so implausible. Many Australian Vietnam vets found the transition back to a peacetime army painful so sought new adventures elsewhere, particularly Rhodesia. I personally know of two (non-SASR) acquaintances who took this path, one RLI and one Selous Scout. Having recently read Paul French's 'Shadows of a Forgotten Past', he also mentions one ex-Australian SASR soldier who eventually fails Selous Scout selection because he couldn't work with natives.


    Location : USA
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by ripcord Mon May 27, 2013 3:35 pm

    Hello filupe,

    Thanks for your input...

    All good info, and additional confusion. But good confusion...Ha,ha...

    I have a friend who has some contacts with Australian vets of the bush war in Rhodesia.

    We may yet find out more info on these confounding wings,and hopefully on who actually wore them on that shirt..


    Location : South England
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by Madziro Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:42 pm

    Some info on Rhodesian para wings.  Note that Rhodesian made SAS wings all have 9 "feathers" per wing.  British made ones have 8.  Some of the early wings were made in Britain for the Rhodesian army in the early days of Malaya and the Federation.






    Sergeant Major
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by zvez Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:34 pm

    Sorry, that's not a Rhodesian SAS wing. At least not like any of the many I owned over the years or saw in use during the war. The Rhod SAS has much blunter edges to the wing shape, not tapering like the ones in the picture. Also, as issues the Rhod. wings had a significant amount of padding making the wing stand out, and wear out quicker, consequently alot of times the padding would be removed makeing the wing flatter.

    Oops, I see all of this has been hashed out already, late to the party.

    I had a really cool set of modified Rhodie camo, belonged to an american who served in the French Foreign (as I recall his name was Ken Gaudet, also had his logbook of jumps while in the Rhod military, joined the Rhod Air Force as a PJI, The suit was standard camo uniform cut down and zippered like the old French Satin 300, short waist (like british battledress length) with elastic at the waist.

    ripcord wrote:Hi all,Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 P1010110

    Maybe a closer look... Question Question  Question

       Maybe  I should use a better camera

    Senior Sergeant
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by 2/1kiwi Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:51 pm

    onward288 wrote:Very worn highly tailored jacket looks French cut not in my area but a number of Kiwis served in the Bush War so i may donate it to the Waiouru Museum one day.

    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Photo114

    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Photo115

    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Photo118

    Have a look in the mess, on the wall is pics of NZ soldiers wearing this kit. Mid 70's iirc.

    Location : Oz
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Re: Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by filupe Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:36 am

    2/1kiwi wrote:
    Have a look in the mess,  on the wall is pics of NZ soldiers wearing this kit.  Mid 70's iirc.

    It was popular with Aussies as well, those who could get them in an all OD clad Army.   There's a 1984 documentary on Australian SAS Selection, 'Battle for The Golden Road', where an Australian medic attached to SASR gives a briefing wearing Rhodesian camouflage.

    I used to wear a (repro) set myself playing OpFor.

    Last edited by filupe on Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : syntax)

    Location : Australia
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Tailored Camo Bush Jacket

    Post by karlos59 Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:57 pm

    Hi I am new member I live in Australia and collect Rhodesian Militaria this is my first post.Here are some pics of a jacket I just got. It is a Bunny jacket made from a Rhodesian Camo Jacket you can see the zip in the rear pic. Thanks Karl

    Name : Lorry Cole
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    Tailored Camo Bush Jacket - Page 2 Empty Clearing up mystery wings and tailored shirts I hope

    Post by Starlight Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:30 pm

    Hi guys, was just looking at some of this old Rhodie stuff and what did I find at the bottom of your discussion. Me! I haven't seen that old SAS Doco in years. Let me go back to the beginning, the debate about who's SAS wings are on that shirt, they are Aussie, and judging by the wear and tear they're probably as old as the shirt. You guys were right in that the Rhodie SAS wings are on a distinct shape and puffed and are on a Twill OD Green backing. The Aussie wings are on a light coloured tan backing which suits the sandy coloured shirts worn here. At the time this shirt was being worn and the time line for those particular SAS wing it is most likely that they are Aussie wings. It however would not have been hard for one of the many Aussies who packed their bags and left from your shores to seek a life of adventure over in war torn Africa, and believe me we had stacks of Aussies serving with us.

    This brings me next to the video clip documentary about the SAS in Australia. Following the very successful Brits "The Para's" it was decided to get the doco guru Guy Baskin to do a similar one covering the SAS. The medic that you see in that doco did not have any trouble at all getting Rhodesian uniforms etc. That's because he was a Rhodesian, having resigned from the army after finding out who his next boss was going to be, (BM) and he scooted for Aus.

    Yes by now you can see where this is going, I am that soldier, and that was my own uniform. Except the beret, we wore a dull cherry beret in Rhodesia. I spent 10yrs with the Rhodesian Army 5 in infantry and 5 in Medical Corps. Joined the Australian army and lost a tape, back on in under 2 years and saw out the remainder of my 20 year career.

    To clear up any other questions about the other shirts and combat jackets, we Rhodies had unlimited access to local tailors in the field in their tribal trust lands and so we set about cutting and styling equipment to suit our own personal likings, it was all "bush gear you always kept your good stuff for "bright lights".

    Hope I've clear some of the mystery.

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