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    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag


    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3323

    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag Empty Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag

    Post by nkomo Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:18 pm

    I recently picked this Afghan body armor recently. It seems to be a similar version to what Tom posted in the linked thread. Look at post number 72.

    Link: http://oefoif.forumotion.net/t3260p60-us-use-of-afghan-equipment#31720

    My version is a little different, as mine doesn't have a built in holster. Mine has places for a radio, six AK magazines, four pistol magazines, and an admin pouch.

    Seeing this vest has places for four pistol magazines and no holster, it would stand to reason the individual would wear a drop leg holster.

    This vest is heavily used and has places for soft armor, but no provision for any plates.

    Does anyone have pictures of this vest in use in Afghanistan?

    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00510
    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00610
    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00710
    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00810
    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00910

    Last edited by nkomo on Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3323

    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag Empty Re: Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag

    Post by nkomo Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:20 pm

    I picked this piece up recently and wasn't entirely sure what it was. I was certain it was Afghan made, but didn't recognize the design. Two members on the forum helped me identify the bag as an Afghan copy of the British ammo grab bag.

    However, one thing that puzzled me was the waist strap on the back. It wasn't until it arrived and I started examining the piece that I realized not only was it an ammo grab bag, but it could also be used as a small chest rig as well. To be honest, it is quite an ingenious design. The one strap goes around your neck and the waist strap fastens in the back. The neck strap/bag handle can be shortened or lengthened depending on the individual. It can also be carried like a bag over the shoulder.

    No makers tags or marks anywhere that I can see. Unfortunately, one of the plastic buckles is broken, but the velcro strips would help hold the magazine pouches shut.

    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00111
    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00213
    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00313
    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag 00410

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag Empty Re: Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag

    Post by Camo_fiend Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:41 pm

    Interesting vest... the design reminds me of a slightly modernised version of the armour that the Soviets wore in the Afghan War in the 80s.

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3323

    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag Empty Re: Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag

    Post by nkomo Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:46 pm

    Camo_fiend wrote:Interesting vest... the design reminds me of a slightly modernised version of the armour that the Soviets wore in the Afghan War in the 80s.
    It very possibly could be, Ben.

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Rich
    Age : 41
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2012-03-24
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    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag Empty Re: Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag

    Post by Rich83 Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:01 am

    I have one of these bags too!



    Funily enough I just came on the forums today as I have recieved some Black Ops of Kandahar kit in the mail from a mate and I was wondering if it was worth anything?
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Rich
    Age : 41
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2012-03-24
    Number of posts : 144

    Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag Empty Re: Afghan Body Armor and Afghan Made Ammo Grab Bag

    Post by Rich83 Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:03 am



    I also just put some pics of some other BOC kit I got here - https://iacmc.forumotion.com/t8355-black-ops-kandahar-drop-leg-and-plate-carrier

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