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    Newest slovak army fabric/uniform using nano technology


    Location : London
    Registration date : 2013-04-13
    Number of posts : 4

    Newest slovak army fabric/uniform using nano technology  Empty Newest slovak army fabric/uniform using nano technology

    Post by nuklik Wed May 08, 2013 8:09 am

    Reserchears from Zilina in Slovakia are working on a new type of fabric using nano technologies - nano salts; inspired by lotus flower.
    Today´s type of fabric cotton or polycotton can burn easily + get dirty + camo uniforms change colour under the sun and in dusty enviroment - they are trying to fix it using nanotechnologies.

    Head of research institute in Zilina - Jozef Sestak with lotus type of fabric with a slovak army digi camo already applied.

    Newest slovak army fabric/uniform using nano technology  Slovak_uniform_nano1_zpsdea994b2

    Newest type of fabric has different treatment of fiber. Pictures from under microscope.

    Typical camo uniform fabric
    Newest slovak army fabric/uniform using nano technology  Slovak_uniform_nano5_zpsa8f0ad84

    And new type of fabric inspired by fiber of lotus flower
    Newest slovak army fabric/uniform using nano technology  Slovak_uniform_nano2_zps9b731d08

    Small drop of water is slowly sinking into regular uniform

    Newest slovak army fabric/uniform using nano technology  Slovak_uniform_nano4_zpsaa64024e

    And of course picture, where it stays on a surface, later just rolling down taking dirt away from lotus type of fabric.

    Newest slovak army fabric/uniform using nano technology  Slovak_uniform_nano3_zpsf71870b4

    Short video about new type of "self-cleaning" fabric + some tests.

      Current date/time is Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:52 pm