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    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered)


    Name : Andrew
    Age : 29
    Location : Mocksville, NC
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 930

    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) Empty Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered)

    Post by AndrewA74 Mon May 11, 2009 6:58 pm

    This is something a friend of mine in Qatar sent me. He had it customly embriodered for my CAP Squadron, NC-162 "SAR DEVILS". (Our unit patch is my avatar). He sent me this in Mid March of 2009. It has my old rank on it (1st Stripe), our unit emblem, our name, the US and NC flags, and my name on it. The boonie itself is US Made (Brigade QM to be exact) but all the embriodery was done at Al Udeid AB in Qatar. CAP currently uses the BDU pattern for it's uniform, so unfortunatly I can't wear it with my uniform. But who says I can't wear it on the days we don't wear a uniform? cherry . Anyways, enjoy.

    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050065
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050066
    (Back Brim)
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050067
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050069
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050070
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050072
    (Inside Top)
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050073
    (Typical Stiching of Qatari items)
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050074
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050075
    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) P1050079

    Name : Jeremy
    Location : Massachusetts
    Registration date : 2009-03-02
    Number of posts : 1419

    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) Empty Re: Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered)

    Post by Mercenary25 Mon May 11, 2009 7:17 pm

    That is thoughtful of your friend. Nice hat.

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) Oifbanner

    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Name : Grim Reaper
    Age : 57
    Location : St Albans Hertfordshire England
    Registration date : 2009-08-25
    Number of posts : 282

    Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered) Empty Re: Civil Air Patrol (USAF AUXILLARY) Unauthorized ABU Boonie (Qatari Embriodered)

    Post by Grim Reaper Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:24 am

    I love it Smile

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