by michelwijnand Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:53 am
I bought some more KM kit again, got some p41 style suspenders and found some strange ones too.
The khaki one is to makea pair with my earlier bought khaki one, then there's a pair of regular green ones,
and then a pair with different back hooks and different rings.
These back hooks don't fit any belt's eyelets, neither on the pistolbelt nor the Garand belt.
They do however fit the ladder-buckles of the p41 style backpack, which makes me thing that's what they were
specifically for, even though one of them has a smaller ring in front throught which the buckle does not fit, making
it impossible to thread the strap through without removing the buckle from it.
Please ignore the Belgian pistolmag pouches, the rest is all KM gear.