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2 posters

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Dale
    Age : 53
    Location : Alberta Canada
    Registration date : 2009-11-22
    Number of posts : 345

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat Empty Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat

    Post by Mk1rceme Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:04 pm

    Here is my recent find in a storage locker I won last week. The previous owner is a Canadian businessman living in China. I'm thinking this is an actual military coat and hat. The hat has actual bear fur...the coat has similar but not as dark as the hat. Opinions?

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat 10950810

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat 10988810

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat 10998210

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat 11016410

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat 10588610

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 1088

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat Empty Re: Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat

    Post by filupe Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:58 am

    Coat may be military issue - somewhere there ought to be the usual red printed box stamp with manufacture info. The bright buttons point this as being a parade or standing guard garment, otherwise it would be the large browny plastic buttons. Fur hat is probably commercial. An issue item would have fur identical to the one on the collar of the overcoat (although commercial versions of this exist as well).
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Dale
    Age : 53
    Location : Alberta Canada
    Registration date : 2009-11-22
    Number of posts : 345

    Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat Empty Re: Chinese Trench Coat & Fur Hat

    Post by Mk1rceme Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:14 pm

    Thanks for the info on it. Interesting and very warm coat.

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