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    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc...


    Location : Philippines
    Registration date : 2013-08-01
    Number of posts : 18

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... Empty Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc...

    Post by Deepdown Thu Jun 25, 2015 5:19 pm

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 320_zpsnrl7fnaq

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 321_zpsrywzw7bk

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 322_zpsujqanmdo

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 324_zpsi450lxdj

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 325_zpscgh2ks0x

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 326_zpsjckyikvi

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 327_zpsflceafdl

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 328_zpsovhqattv

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 329_zps260v4zcp

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 330_zpsuxuh1opw

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 331_zpsr60xyt5h

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 332_zps2lgvi2ck

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 333_zpszotjhkw7

    These go above the chest pocket on the uniform. I think the ones on the left are Land Forces (Army), top on the right is Navy, under it is Coast Guard. The lowest one seems to be some type of Anti-Aircraft Missile thing, and collar tabs for Land Forces.

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 334_zpslzw8h0in

    Repro tan sun/ pith helmet much harder to find than the green ones.

    Vietnamese Green & Camo Uniforms, badges, etc... 335_zpscu2jgggu

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 7:53 pm