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    UK soldier kit scale and list 1143

    James K
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Ringwood UK
    Registration date : 2015-09-19
    Number of posts : 155

    UK soldier kit scale and list 1143 Empty UK soldier kit scale and list 1143

    Post by James K Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:49 am

    My son is a mariner (not a marine) with 17 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC although he is transferring to the Rifles.

    All his equipment is on issue on an 1143 and the list is as follows:

    Helmet GS MK6A x1
    Helmet cover MTP x1
    Beret Blue x1
    Helmet Boatcrew Safety x1
    Headover x1
    Cap CW MTP x1
    Hat Jungle MTP x1

    Jacket Seaman's Waterproof MVP Blue x1
    Trousers Seamans Waterproof MVP Blue x1
    Jacket Waterproof MVP MTP x1
    Trousers waterproof MVP MTP x1
    Jacket Waterproof Light Weight MVP MTP x1
    Jacket Camouflage Snow x1
    Trousers Camouflage Snow x1
    Oversuit Camouflage Boat Crew waterproof DPM

    Coveralls Seamans Blue
    Coveralls Green
    Coveralls Blue Assault Fire Resistant

    Smock Windproof MTP x3
    Jacket LW MTP x3
    Shirt Warm Weather MTP x3
    Trousers MTP x3
    Jacket Thermal OD x1

    Gloves Boat Operators DPM x1 pr
    Mittens Inner ECW DPM x1 pr
    Mittens Outer ECW MVP x1 pr
    Gloves Combat Lightweight DDPM x1 pr
    Gloves Combat Black x1 pr
    Gloves liner silk x1 pr

    Boots Safety x1pr
    Boots Combat High Liability Haix x1 pr
    Boots Combat High Liability Altberg x1 pr
    Boots Maritime Counter Terrorist Black x2pr
    Boots Combat Desert High Liability Lowa x1pr
    Boots Patrol Brown YDS x1 pr

    Combat Body Armour x1
    CBA Cover MTP x1
    Lifejacket Green Assault Boat Crew x1

    Rucksack Infantry short back DPM
    PLCE complete DPM
    Partol Rucksack DPM (NI type)
    Assault Vest Osprey with pouches complete DDPM

    Sleeping Bag Lightweight
    Sleeping Bag GS
    Sleeping Bag Cover MVP DPM
    Tent Tunnel SF MVP DPM
    Basha DPM

    Not a complete list by any means but does show both the scale and variety of issued equipment and the mix of old and new still issued.
    Cobra 6 Actual
    Cobra 6 Actual

    Name : Joe
    Age : 78
    Location : Virginia, USA
    Registration date : 2015-09-19
    Number of posts : 74

    UK soldier kit scale and list 1143 Empty Re: UK soldier kit scale and list 1143

    Post by Cobra 6 Actual Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:13 am

    Wow, James ... looks like they get some quality (and quantity) gear. That's quite a selection of boots! It would be cool if after his transfer to the Rifles he compared the gear list of that unit to this one ... I wonder how much of a cross-match there would be?

    Thanks for posting,
    James K
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Ringwood UK
    Registration date : 2015-09-19
    Number of posts : 155

    UK soldier kit scale and list 1143 Empty Re: UK soldier kit scale and list 1143

    Post by James K Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:43 am

    Clothing items like the excellent MCT boots (similar in some ways to US jungle boots) he will keep but they may not be replaced. Trade items like the assault lifejacket, the seaman's goretex waterproofs and the maritime counter terrorist gear will have to be handed in.

    He's only 23 and has been in five years and done two tours (UN Cyprus and Afghan). He was due to for SF selection last year but his psycho girlfriend played up and he dropped the idea. Fortunately she dumped him last night so he can get on with the job of soldiering.

    1 Rifles is a light infantry Bn which has just moved out of the commando role, they are deploying next year. But first he has to go back to school and complete Phase II of the Combat Infantry Course.
    Cobra 6 Actual
    Cobra 6 Actual

    Name : Joe
    Age : 78
    Location : Virginia, USA
    Registration date : 2015-09-19
    Number of posts : 74

    UK soldier kit scale and list 1143 Empty Re: UK soldier kit scale and list 1143

    Post by Cobra 6 Actual Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:10 pm

    James K wrote:Clothing items like the excellent MCT boots (similar in some ways to US jungle boots) he will keep but they may not be replaced. Trade items like the assault lifejacket, the seaman's goretex waterproofs and the maritime counter terrorist gear will have to be handed in.

    He's only 23 and has been in five years and done two tours (UN Cyprus and Afghan).  He was due to for SF selection last year but his psycho girlfriend played up and he dropped the idea.  Fortunately she dumped him last night so he can get on with the job of soldiering.

    1 Rifles is a light infantry Bn which has just moved out of the commando role, they are deploying next year. But first he has to go back to school and complete Phase II of the Combat Infantry Course.  

    Thanks for the clarification, James!


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