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    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s

    92nd Armoured

    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2015-11-08
    Number of posts : 1

    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s Empty Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s

    Post by 92nd Armoured Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:15 am


    I want to know what style of uniform these troops are wearing, whether it has western origin or is an indigenous design. Would be great if boots and pouches can be IDed too.

    Circa late 1970s:
    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s Tehran10

    From this famous picture I want to ID the gas mask and strap/harness.

    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s 55939

    Or this gasmask:
    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s Ap8701161203-640

    Harness and pouch in these pictures:

    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s 0q4BAhM

    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s 15_8707050998_L600

    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s Empty Re: Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s

    Post by Gulf91 Mon Nov 09, 2015 3:46 am

    1st Gas mask looks similar to a US M17 and all I can make out of the webbing is a DDR Strichtarn Ak mag pouch.

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s Empty Re: Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s

    Post by Wolverine Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:43 am

    Aside from the East German magazine pouches, the rest of the webbing looks like the same as the IDF - certainly the suspenders and belts are identical, and probably the ammunition pouches as well. Notice the strap and buckle assembly that is fitted to the centre rear of the belt - it also appears in the Iranian photos.

    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s Belt_111
    Help Identifying Iranian Army uniform and gear circa 1970s/80s Suspen10

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