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    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers.


    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Empty Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers.

    Post by Gulf91 Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:04 pm

    All from the same guy,couldnt get any info other than he was Royal Engineers and the kit was his during Op Granby.

    Nothing special other than of course the nice pre metric Arctic Windproof trs and the nice period Shemagh.

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20003_zpsthtgqdao

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20004_zpsbhoojatj

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20005_zpsq7vt8xpy

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20006_zps7tztcmwt

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20007_zpscmqustna

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20008_zpsu9ppefxb

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20009_zps3xgdfg0k

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20010_zpsnfq5mkl8

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20011_zpscpskluvl

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20012_zpsxr9wnk2w

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20013_zpsmx46lqrh

    Small Job Lot Granby gear ex RE including SIZE 5 DPM Arctic Trousers. Gulf%20job%20lotblack%20german%20flak%20014_zpsojkdzhpd

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:06 pm