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2 posters

    Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-12-29
    Number of posts : 2869

    Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Empty Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket

    Post by ripcord Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:25 pm

    This jacket was part of a system of combat clothing Blackhawk produced some time ago.
    It features  a tourniquet system ( ITS) along with an innovative cut and pattern and no melt/drip  construction..
    Tourniquets ( 4 ) are located in  sleeve  pockets ,  2 per arm.  One on the upper arm, the other on the lower part.

    This system includes jacket, trousers, and combat shirt and was tested by  members of  NSW..
    There was also a non ITS vest, a  boonie, and  a cap.

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2826
                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2827

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2828

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2829

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2830

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2831

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2832

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2833

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2834

                                                                                  Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2835

                                                                                 Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Dscn2836

    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Name : A.
    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2013-10-18
    Number of posts : 2326

    Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket  Empty Re: Blackhawk DM3 ITS jacket

    Post by mylle Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:34 pm

    Nice kit, they didn't used the velcro in a stingy way. Wink

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