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    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:25 pm

    I managed to secure this Bergen last week. hybrid Bergen but made by a second manufacturer. The feel of the Bergen is better quality and some of the additional features on this frame are evident from that of the other two I have more noticeably the trident alloy frame rather than the arch frame.

    Also a tightening clip to the front straps (apologies if that the wrong terminology) and also some kind of buffers to the side...to be honest I can't think who has made it as I thought only one system got trialled, clearly not.... Karrimor, Source, CQC???

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image79

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image82

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image85

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image84

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image81

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image87

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image86

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image80

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image83
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty Re: PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:27 pm

    On the label it states 217...so possibly a few of these about!!
    Sergeant Major
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    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty Re: PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by sobota Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:20 pm

    Fantastic! Lee, whats that panel in the picture with the side pouches? Does it sit at the bottom of the bergen to give it some shape?

    Also i like the floating removeable lid! Interesting how they used a green zip for the top lid pocket but all others are tan, i think the green goes well.

    Still stumped for a manufacturer!
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty Re: PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:28 pm

    That's right George, I forgot to mention the zip, little features but make it unique... I'm hoping the label means 2 of 7 not 217!!!
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty Re: PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:30 pm

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Image88

    Location : Midlands
    Registration date : 2012-11-10
    Number of posts : 23

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by exwoofer Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:42 pm

    A sweet bit of kit - as usual!

    Part of the problem (for collectors) with PECOC webbing is the lack of detail on labels. In the days of:

    * SCRDE
    * Defence Clothing and Textiles Agency (S &TD - Science and Technology Division
    * and DLO DC R&PS (Defence Clothing Research and Project Support)

    trials kit labels were usually more detailed.

    However, when DE &S (Defence Equipment and Support) took over things took a turn for the worse – i.e. less info on labels.

    During the trials process there are at least 4 major stages when kit can get revised – which is why the same item can change in style. Sometimes things look like an improvement, other times kit gets simplified (cost obviously can have an impact).

    During any trials project there are a number of phases after which kit may get a redesign (I won’t list all the trials phases) and these include:

    - CD Trials (Concept Demonstrator) – I think this relates to the old PM phase (Pilot Model) – these used to be manufactured in-house but I am not certain that facility exists these days. NOTE - there may be more than one style of the same item under evaluation at this point - i.e. CD 1, CD 2 (or PM 1 PM 2 as they used to be called).

    - Prototype Manufacture

    - Op Analysis (Operational)

    - User Trial/Training

    After each of these the learning’s a redesign (minor/major) is possible.

    This may explain the Bergen having varying designs.

    Below is a pic of the label from a trials set of chest webbing from 1995 - in the days when labels were more helpful. Its a PM model which I believe relates to a CD now.

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Trials10

    Last edited by exwoofer on Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Detail added)
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty Re: PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Sat Jun 04, 2016 4:07 am

    Brilliant insight exwoofer and this would answer a lot of questions! Thank you
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : Ireland
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    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty PECOC pack made by Crib Cogh

    Post by fourtycoats Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:26 pm

    Crib Goch is a specialist UK based pack maker with a military background, a bit like Kifaru or Mystery Ranch in the USA . I found the pack shown below which appears to be one of their standard "Constrictor" packs but made from the 1000D hybrid PECOC material used in the trials. It is fully featured and built like a tank. 35 Litres capacity in the main pack with the facility to add two side and a front add on packs. It may have been a trial pack or they may have got hold of some of the trial material. No labels apart from the embroidered logos.

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Img_0611

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Img_0610

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Img_0613

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Img_0612
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty Re: PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:50 pm

    There was one of these on the bay and I was going to buy it but I asked if it was part of the trials, they said not and it was commercially made. I did however find the contact who supplied the PECOC Hybrid material as part of the project, I wanted to get some but;

    We have a “UK Hybrid” pattern in stock that was a pre-MTP development project so I am 99% sure this is the pattern you are looking for? I have attached a picture below but photographs never show fabric colours totally accurately due to the lighting conditions.

    We only have this in stock in a 500D FR coated Cordura which is air-textured nylon.

    It depends on the amount you are ordering but we are selling it a clearance price of £5.00/m ex works for up to 500m orders. We sell by the roll and this quality is mostly in 85m rolls.It depends on the amount you are ordering but we are selling it a clearance price of £5.00/m ex works for up to 500m orders. We sell by the roll and this quality is mostly in 85m rolls min order is 57m
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : Ireland
    Registration date : 2010-01-13
    Number of posts : 448

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty Re: PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by fourtycoats Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:09 pm

    Thanks for that info Lee. The material used is 1000D Cordura whereas the material referred to in the manufacturer's note is 500D. They must have got the heavy stuff from somewhere. It is a lovely pack with more features than you can shake a stick at. I have contacted the manufacturer for some info and am awaiting a reply.I am planning to use it at the next War & Peace show to carry around the many purchases I hope to make of rare and unusual cammo!
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer Empty Re: PECOC Hybrid 90L Bergan mk2 produced by another manufacturer

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:08 pm

    Great find, lovely Bergen and of course in a amazing pattern. Good point on the 500d, if the Bergen is 1000d I wonder what they used the 500 for?!

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