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    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?


    Location : Italy
    Registration date : 2017-01-03
    Number of posts : 6

    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by hammers Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:06 pm

    Hello folks!
    I'm new on this forum, as long as I only recently  started collecting and studying something about US Militaria and uniforms.
    I bought some years ago this 1969 shirt. Anyone of you can help me finding something more about this man called Avery?
    Some patches are missing one on the left arm and one on the right pocket for sure. There are no traces of removed patches on the right arm, but I don't know if it's because someone did a good job in removing it or if simply there wasn't any.
    If somebody have some more details about it, I'd be really glad to know!
    thanks in advance!




    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
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    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by Wolverine Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:12 pm

    Hi Gabry,

    I can't help with information about Captain Avery, but I would guess that this jacket was probably worn after the Vietnam War (mid to late 1970s or even early 1980s) in one of the Ranger battalions. Army Rangers, among others, used these jackets for a number of years until the lightweight woodland uniforms appeared. There are other members here who will know more than me.

    It is a beautiful shirt.

    Location : Italy
    Registration date : 2017-01-03
    Number of posts : 6

    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by hammers Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:10 am

    Hello!! Thank you very much for this informations!!
    Very kind from you!!

    Location : New England, US
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    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by CollectinSteve Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:20 pm


    The Ranger tab looks to be post-Vietnam, but I am no expert. The direct embroidery is something I've seen a particular Thai dealer selling a lot of. I have suspected many are not original. Where did you acquire this jacket?


    Location : Italy
    Registration date : 2017-01-03
    Number of posts : 6

    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by hammers Thu Jan 05, 2017 10:41 am

    Hi Steve!
    I bougth it a long time ago here in Italy in a local outdoor market, it was among denim shirt, miscellaneous t-shirt, and othe ita/usa/gb militaria. It caught my attention and the price was really interesting. The lower pockets have been removed and I know that it happened so that a man could wear it inside his throusers, if it can help.
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    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by Sarge Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:03 am

    Not many went to the trouble & expense of having their insignia direct embrodeired on the jungle jacket.
    I did a couple, one I wore in country and the other one I sent home.
    Have a photos some where, but didn't find it.

    Location : Italy
    Registration date : 2017-01-03
    Number of posts : 6

    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by hammers Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:20 pm

    Thanks Sarge!
    I know that having insigna embrodeired was not su usual, that's why I'm curious about his history!

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    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by ripcord Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:26 pm

    This type of uniform was worn well into the mid '80s until  M81 ripstop BDUs became available.

    Your jacket/blouse looks to me like it was used post Vietnam war.

    Difficult from the photo to identify the removed patch under the ranger tab.
    Sometimes it is easier to look at the reverse side: turn the sleeve inside out and take a photo..

    Removed lower pockets bother me.
     I wore this uniform until '85-'86 and never saw anyone wear one with lower pockets removed.
     Sure, it could have been an SF modification, but this piece has clearly been patched for an Infantry Captain, and honestly, I have never seen that mod on olive uniforms.

     Pockets  were probably removed at the same time as the patches, especially if the pockets were removed with the same care as the patches..

    I think this is a '80s worn piece that was stripped of the removable insignia and lower  pockets  before it was sold to you..

    It is a very nicely embroidered piece, and a great  candidate for restoration.

                                                                                          1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Dscn5516


                                                                                         1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Dscn5517


    Location : Italy
    Registration date : 2017-01-03
    Number of posts : 6

    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by hammers Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:12 pm

    Thank you so much!
    I took a look inside the sleeve and the patch had the shield shape. Yeah everything is clearer looking the reverse. The inner label shows that it was made in '69. Talking about the lower pockets, I don't think that's the same hand that removed the patch, it seems that who did the poket job had not the same care, leaving more traces as a small hole. But who knows..I heard of this mod as unofficial and in certain cases forbidden one, made by some soldiers, just as some others used to cut their sleeves. But who knows... Thanks again, maybe tomorrow I'll upload more pictures!

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by Wolverine Sun Jan 08, 2017 7:49 pm

    I have a 3rd Ranger Bn jungle jacket, probably worn in the late 1970s or early 1980s, and I can also see the stitching outline of a shield-shaped patch underneath the Ranger scroll. Will post photos later.

    Location : Italy
    Registration date : 2017-01-03
    Number of posts : 6

    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

    Post by hammers Mon Jan 09, 2017 12:40 pm



    here are two details of the removed patch and pocket!


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    1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me? Empty Re: 1969 Jungle Shirt Third Pattern anyone can help me?

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