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2 posters

    My Colombian Stuff

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 355

    My Colombian Stuff Empty My Colombian Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:13 am

    Got a few things over the years, a few from other people on here.

    Starting off with a set of some Army "Tigrillo" or "Ocelot" camo, from Steve or Eric I believe?
    Unfortunate ink stain, stamps are all but faded, and unit badges have been removed, all but the collar tabs which I can't seem to ID.
    The trousers have several mismatched pieces of fabric, showing the variation of color. Maybe intentional for wet/dry seasons?
    My Colombian Stuff Colomb10

    The collar tabs.
    My Colombian Stuff Colomb11

    Cap and cover. Cover I believe is from Steve? Can't recall, let me know if you recognize it.
    Very simple, good construction and nice color variations.
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    Next up is an Army set of Jungle Pixelado, in the "Patriota" uniform.
    Both are missing tags unfortunately, and have a little wear but not as bad as the Tigrillo.
    Very nice pattern I think, reminds me of the Chinese Type 07 Artillery pattern a bit.
    My Colombian Stuff Colomb16

    Trousers were acquired from a Canadian fellow who traveled to Bogota and found them
    Good quality, BDU cut.
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    Right sleeve of the coat has a blood type/Rhesus badge and an "Homeland, Honor, Loyalty" award?/badge.
    My Colombian Stuff Blood_10

    Left side has an "ARMY" tape and "COLOMBIA" tab.
    A patch is missing from the left sleeve pocket and possibly a qualification tab under the Colombia one as well.
    Left chest pocket is missing a "Faith in the Cause" award.
    My Colombian Stuff Colomb18

    Overview, you can see the missing sleeve patch, "Fe en la Causa" award, and a large missing name/rank patch from the right chest.
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    Unfortunately due to the situation in Colombia, access to these uniforms, even the old ones has been heavily restricted.
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    And lastly, as an extra, a Colombian National Police BDU coat, named to a Patrolman. It was acquired from a US servicemember who got it from the patrolman who was attending a US Army infantry school.
    Colombian police assist the military on anti-cartel patrols, and receive military training and even special skills such as parachute qualification.
    They have their own uniform and even variants for vehicle crewman, pilots, and special units.
    As far as I can tell the only insignia missing from this particular coat is his badge, understandably.
    My Colombian Stuff Colomb23
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    Registration date : 2011-07-29
    Number of posts : 1493

    My Colombian Stuff Empty Re: My Colombian Stuff

    Post by jimmyduncan23 Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:51 am

    Nice collection of uniforms and photos. I like the patterns alot
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 355

    My Colombian Stuff Empty Re: My Colombian Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:13 am

    Been awhile, thought I'd post some better updated pics and a couple new pieces.

    Army Tigrillo camouflage uniform, that I believe I got from Steve many years ago.
    Still don't know what the collar patches indicate, and there are some missing unit/skill patches and tabs from the sleeves.

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    Marine cover, reversible, though I don't know if it was intended to be.
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    Army pixelado jungla coat. Missing a "Fe en la Causa" patch from the chest pocket and unit patch from the sleeve pocket.
    The early pixelado coats seem to have been BDU cut, but the tags from my coat and trousers are both missing.

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    Army cap. Acquired from a US vet, from a Colombian soldier who did joint training with the US.
    Forgot to take a pic of the tag but this one is dated 2011.

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    Marine coat, dated 2007.
    Years ago I foolishly passed up a set of Colombian jungle digital in their helicopter aircrew uniform cut. Only ever saw two of those uniforms, boy I regret that!

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    And last for now, while not exactly military, a Colombian National Police officer's BDU coat, dated 2013.
    This was also acquired from a US vet who got it from a PNC colleague who went through the US Infantry School in Georgia and did parachute training before returning to Colombia.

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