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    French air force labels

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Seb
    Age : 52
    Location : France
    Registration date : 2015-11-10
    Number of posts : 484

    French air force labels Empty French air force labels

    Post by belgium_one Tue May 16, 2017 11:36 am

    Hello  Smile

    on the military uniforms (and others equipments) manufactured for the french air force (Armée de l'Air) , there are specific labels with informations on three (or four) lines :

    top : the name of the manufacturer

    middle : code with left the contract number and right the year of manufacture
    exemple : 357/96 = contract number 357 / year 96

    bottom : size with a number for the chest or waist usually followed by the letters C , M , L (court , moyen , long)
    the sizes have specific additional indications for the sleeve lenght : PM and GM (petites manches / grandes manches)

    most recent labels have a fourth line with laundry labels

    French air force labels 939625IMGP5965


    Name : Andy
    Location : Odessa
    Registration date : 2016-02-12
    Number of posts : 2693

    French air force labels Empty Re: French air force labels

    Post by Haydamaka Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:11 am

    Hello, Mr. belgium_one!

    Thank you very much for your post - I found some very interesting details concerning labelling of such CCE uniforms.

    Could you please comment the label and general view of the following jacket - I think this is Air Force jacket by "MA.GE.CO.", contract №/ year of production 05/08, chest size 112M , 112 сm Moyen.

    How do you think, is it possible, that this jacket is made in Swiss town of CUNTER (Canton Graubünden) , ID code: 300093 3030 5 43 01 З РО 30293?

    French air force labels France16
    French air force labels France15

    Name : Andy
    Location : Odessa
    Registration date : 2016-02-12
    Number of posts : 2693

    French air force labels Empty Re: French air force labels

    Post by Haydamaka Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:16 am

    Some additional pics are blow.
    Please mind plastic cover of the sleeves knobs fasteners.

    French air force labels France21
    French air force labels France20
    French air force labels France22

    Thank you in advance for you suggestions, opinion and comments!

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