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    Syrian Army badges


    Location : Australia
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 27

    Syrian Army badges Empty Syrian Army badges

    Post by badjez Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:13 pm

    Syria (References relate to Major Waring's Pamphlet No11)

    Title Armoured Corps Gold on red
    Syrian Army Cavalry- crossed scimitars (as C137)
    Signals C141
    Unknown white & green circle C139
    Unknown white & green circle red flame C142
    Unknown white & green circle red bar, C149
    Unknown white & green circle with purple bar
    Unknown C144
    Armoured Corps
    Commando Bde C145
    Commando Bde C146
    Physical Training School C143
    Military bands
    C147Syrian Army badges Syrian13
    Syrian Army badges Syrian12

    With the exception of the top two armoured units all these patches are available. PM me if interested.

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 08, 2024 7:36 pm