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    Singapore armed forces badges


    Location : Australia
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 27

    Singapore armed forces badges Empty Singapore armed forces badges

    Post by badjez Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:23 am

    Singapore (References to Major Waring's Pamphlet No3- Military Heraldry Society reprint)
    Inf Bde White stars & crescent on red/green shield, B43
    Inf Bde White stars & crescent on red shield B44
    Inf Bde (post 1967) facing pair yellow lion on green square B46
    Joint Services training centre. Yellow scimitar & torch B47
    Singapore Air Force (2nd Pattern) Eagle B49
    2 Inf Bde Tiger head on purple B52
    Inf Bde Tiger head on maroon
    Chung Hwa Girls High School Cadets B56
    Unknown Cobra
    Combat Engineers brown/gold grenade
    Combat Eng crossed rifles & heart on shield on purple backing.
    Armoured units Mailed fist on crossed bayonets B77
    Electrical Engineers Red/Blue/Red with lightning strike

    Singapore armed forces badges Singap11
    Singapore armed forces badges Singap12
    Singapore armed forces badges Singap10

    With the exception of the armoured unit (B77) all these patches are available for disposal. PM me please.

      Current date/time is Sun Dec 08, 2024 5:59 pm